New from NPR! 一年賺一千萬台幣不是白日夢,放影片在YouTube上或許是個好的開始,收聽本篇報導,順便學學「寓教於樂」的英文。


1. 要透過上傳影片賺錢,不是任何影片都可以,一定要有賣點或是爆點的影片才行。

2. 點閱率與賺到的錢不一定成正比。所以有的影片明明有三千次點閱率,結果只會得到五毛錢美金,也有人擁有四千次點閱率,但卻可以拿十八塊錢美金。至於這是怎麼計算的要問YouTube。

3. 目前最受歡迎的大概都是How To 影片。示範如何烤餅乾,做蛋糕或是打領帶那類的。

4. 影片內容要有原創性,不准抄襲,被發現抄襲會被取消事業夥伴資格。

5. 得要有個Google account。其實能不能成為YouTube的事業夥伴,賺到他們的廣告收益,決定權還是看YouTube。你可以申請,但不一定會被核准。

我的部落格其實也可以透過Google AdSense賺錢,可是我這個潔癖龜毛人,完全無法接受有廣告黏在我的部落格版面上,因為除了視覺上太醜了,也會把這個小園地搞得超級商業化。教練一直覺得沒必要為了一點小錢搞這些(教練賺的是大錢哇哈哈哈哈哈)。這個小小的園地,還是應該保有純真且帶有點理想價值的樣貌。呵呵呵...

Beyond Cute Babies: How To Make Money On YouTube
From NPR News, this is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. I'm Melissa Block.


I'm Robert Siegel. And it's time now for All Tech Considered.

YouTube is best known for viral videos網路影片 of babies and kittens. But there are thousands of decidedly less cute and more practical videos racking up the views.吸引大量點閱率
As NPR's Tamara Keith reports, how-to videos are extremely popular these days, and at least some makers of these videos are actually making money.

TAMARA KEITH: Want to know how to crochet a flower用鉤針鉤出一朵花, solve a Rubik's cube魔術方塊, or make a paper airplane? Or maybe you need something more basic - like how to scramble an egg.炒蛋

U: In go the eggs.把蛋放進去

KEITH: Even how to use clip-in hair extensions.夾式髮片
BLOCK: All right. You want to take a clip, and you're going to need comb, brush - and your hair extensions.

KEITH: That is Sara White, AKA SaraSweetie99, a first-grade teacher in Charleston, West Virginia. White says she posted her first video about hair extensions because she couldn't find a good instructional video教學式影片 on YouTube. When the clicks 點閱次數started adding up, she started adding new videos, and eventually joined the YouTube Partner Program, where YouTube shares ad revenue廣告收益 with people who post videos regularly.

BLOCK: I thought, well, I won't make that much money from it. You know, I thought I'll make a couple dollars幾塊錢美金 a month. But I was like, wow, this is really cool. Like, I don't have to get a second job now.

KEITH: This is a common experience among YouTube's 15,000 or so partners, says the company's Annie Baxter.

BLOCK: A lot of YouTubers describe themselves as accidental entrepreneurs意外的企業家.
KEITH: YouTube says there are hundreds of people who make more than $100,000 a year on their videos. Baxter says instructional videos are on the rise.數量增多

Geoff Dorn knows that well. He's the man behind a series of videos on how to tie a tie.

BLOCK: The four in hand knot is one of the simpler knots to tie. Start by grabbing the wide end of the tie in your right hand; the narrow end in your left hand.

KEITH: In the video, you can't see Dorn's face - just a close-up特寫鏡頭 of his neck, his white dress shirt and pale-blue淡藍色 tie.

BLOCK: And then straighten the tie with your hands, and fold down the collar.衣領
Yeah, that was shot in my kitchen. I think I tacked釘了 a white sheet up against what was a red wall.

KEITH: That incredibly dry單調的 video has been viewed 6 million times. He also has videos on the full Windsor, the half Windsor, the Shelby knot and the bow tie. Dorn says he can pay his property taxes財產稅 each year with the money he gets from YouTube.

BLOCK: It's nice to get paid for doing absolutely nothing - or doing something once.

KEITH: Dorn lives in Portland, Oregon, and works in finance - and does, actually, wear a tie to work every day. But that's not why he decided to make videos about tying ties.

BLOCK: You know, any entrepreneur gets an idea that they want to make - whatever, doughnuts; they want to make whatever they think they're good at. But what you really should do is figure out what the market is, and make that.

KEITH: Dorn made these videos because he knew there was a demand需求 for them. His videos seem to lack personality by design.刻意的

Sean Plott's videos, on the other hand, are all about personality.

BLOCK: It's Tuesday. It's February 15th. It is the year of 2011. This is the Day [9], Daily number 261.
KEITH: Plott has a daily Web show that focuses on the computer game StarCraft 2. His mission: helping a growing community of fellow players get better at the game.

BLOCK: Today is all about mechanics跟操作面有關的技術性需知. I want you all to look at your mouse and keyboard right now. And I want you to note: What distance is your mouse hand from your keyboard while you're playing. How far is it?

KEITH: In his videos, Plott goes by his gaming handle登錄名稱 Day[9]. He says they really took off when he started talking about himself more.

BLOCK: It wasn't just Day[9] analytical nerd大腦發達的書呆子, who just sat down and only talked about how to improve, and how to learn. It became this edutainment寓教於樂 show - and that helped tremendously.

KEITH: So much so that when he finishes his master's at USC later this year, he plans to make this Web show his full-time job.

Tamara Keith, NPR News, Washington.

根據之前的相關報導,YouTube 最賺錢的紅人,第一名一年廣告獲利達31.5萬美金,點擊數約4.3億次,折合台幣大概是945萬元。第二名的獲利約28.8萬美金,點擊數約3.5億次,折合台幣約864萬元。


  1. 老師好,好久不見了,我是潛水很久的Cloudior, 好想看老師寫''想學好英文? 可愛貓咪圖成學習小幫手'' 的文章(原文:Cute cats could be key to learning new languages來寓教於樂一下~老師家厲害的貓不知道也擁有如此神奇的技能XD

  2. Hi Claudior


  3. 教練:想請問您,這句話"you're going to need comb, brush - and your hair extensions",我一直聽不出來有going to ,請問該怎麼把它聽出來?謝謝喔

  4. Hi JU CHEN,

    我有聽這篇的聲音檔。你聽不出來going to的原因有二:
    1. 這一段是截取網路的音效,不是棚內現場收音,所以比較不清楚。
    2. going to 真的有被說出來(有時候NRP的transcript會與實際的報導有點出入,但這篇沒有)
    只是說話的習慣與語調,讓going to被「吃掉」了。
    其實不用擔心,因為有時候聽不清楚是說話人本身的咬字與說話語調的關係,考試的聽力不會這麼不清楚。如果現實生活中遇到這樣的狀況,可以請對方再說一次。真的沒法子聽到,其實少了going to也不影響全部的理解。但是若能抓到這麼細膩的轉音與滑溜溜的英文,聽力就真的是很好了。在英語國家住上一段時間,多聽多與當地人互動,我覺得總會練就一副靈敏的英文耳。

  5. 謝謝教練這麼詳細的回答,我會繼續加油的~~:>

  6. Hi JU CHEN






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