


Hi Chloe,

My TOEFL scores were released! I got 108 in total! I was a bit surprised with my listening since it's always been my forte. But anyways, I would like to thank you for giving me tips for writing! And it came out to be the highest among 4 sections! I followed your tips and practiced one article per day for a month, and all my efforts seem to pay off. 
Inline image 1

I'd been staying up till 2 am almost every day for a month just to finish my daily practice. In the beginning, my writing was so terrible that I even doubted myself. Yet I forced myself to read 3~4 articles of all different topics and practiced one article per day using the method you showed me. Slowly, I could at least come up with something of any kinds of topics, and then I started trying to practice without 模板 and put those nice sentences that I read into my articles. Gradually, everything became so instinctively.

Also, it only takes 30 mins to write one article (I limited myself to finish 300 words in 20 mins during the practice tho), so having no time to practice is never an excuse. Since I wasn't the student of the academy that you're working for, perhaps my story could be more persuasive and help those students conquer TOEFL.

Let me know if I can help with anything~



  1. Hi 大家好
    我是Allen,很感謝Chloe幫忙,所以我也想為正在準備的考生幫點忙。108不是挺高的分數,網路上還有很多強者。不過要進任何美國大學,這個分數應該已經過門檻了。如果大家對於廳、說、讀、寫不知道怎麼準備起,或是Chloe的講義不太會用的,還是單純對英文有興趣相加強的,我很樂意分享我的經驗(free of charge)。純粹交流~ 我不是補習班,只是秉持取之於社會就該回饋給社會~~

  2. Allen真的是好熱心哪,大家有問題可以問Allen。Allen是否要留個Email給有需要的人,讓有問題的人可以聯絡到你。Chloe的部落格也不是補習班,跟哈佛留學沒有關係,是自己耕耘的小園地,純粹服務分享給所有喜歡英文並且要準備托福考試的人喔。

  3. here's my email: ajavier524@gmail.com
    feel free~





Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


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