Your weekly English digest is here. 本周的英語每周一文,李安寫陳樹菊。質樸的文字裡有著溫暖的人性況味。


...of all she has given away, her greatest gift is her example.

In our annual TIME 100 issue we name the people who most affect our world
Chen Shu-chu

By Ang LeeThursday, Apr. 29, 2010

Chen Shu-chu is a seller of vegetables in a stall in Taitung County's central market, in eastern Taiwan. Out of her modest living簡樸節省的生活, Chen, 59, has managed to donate nearly NT$10 million (that's $320,000) to various causes目標(此指行善), including $32,000 for a children's fund兒童基金會, $144,000 to help build a library at a school she attended and another $32,000 for the local orphanage當地的孤兒院, where she also gives financial support to three children.
What's so wonderful about Chen's achievement is not its extraordinariness卓越的 but that it is so simple and matter of fact理所當然的 in its generosity. "Money serves its purpose發揮功能 only when it is used for those who need it," she told a newspaper.
And rather than bask in her celebrity沉浸在知名度當中, Chen seems to dismiss the whole thing with a wave of her hand手一揮,好像沒什麼大不了似的, perhaps even with a hint of irritation似乎有點不高興. "There isn't much to talk about, because I did not enter any competition," she says. "I haven't really made any huge donations."
She's planning to establish a fund to help the poor with education, food and health care. Amazing, but of all she has given away, her greatest gift is her example.她所帶來的最好禮物是她所樹立的榜樣




Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

Vegan 跟 vegetarian 其實不同派。關於各種「飲食派」的英文,這篇全介紹!吃素好處多,吃素可以救地球!

