Your Weekly English Digest 英文每周一文,經濟學人雜誌的文章並不難,讀了就知道。

class act 就是那種人前有品味跟教養的意思。
ass hat是指一個人屁股長到頭上來了,跟中文的「腦殘」與「白目」的意思差不多。


托福的獨立題目中經常會考一些關於廣告、電視與兒童相關的題目,前幾周我在經濟學人The Economist文章中閱讀到這篇報導,內容也有提到台灣政府對此所提出的相關因應政策,所以決定拿這篇來與大家分享。




Are children fair game可以攻擊的對象 for sophisticated and relentless marketing techniques? Many countries think not

To market行銷 anything that might appeal to有吸引力的 young consumers is to risk a scolding容易引來斥責. Advertising entices吸引 children to drink and smoke, makes them fat and sexualises them early(小孩)性早熟, its critics allege宣稱. To tout 吹捧/讚揚even wholesome products 健康的商品to children, some claim, is to exploit their naivety and thus to deceive them佔小孩子天真的便宜,也是一種欺騙. Crusaders改革運動鬥士 like Mrs Obama have helped embarrass companies. Coca-Cola said in May that it would not advertise to children younger than 12 anywhere in the world. Last year Disney promised not to promote junk food on television programmes for children.
Such gestures make the best of an increasingly constraining climate. 類似的動作讓越來越嚴謹規範的氛圍更加苛刻Some of the many restrictions on the marketing of tobacco and alcohol 菸酒were imposed強加於with youngsters in mind. In America and the European Union歐盟 big food manufacturers follow self-imposed codes of conduct(製造商)的自我行為規範 on marketing to children. These are to be tightened這些規範還要再更嚴苛一些. Some European countries impose stricter regimes制度. Britain bans advertising on television and radio of food high in fat, salt and sugar to children under 16. Sweden and Norway outlaw 查禁all television advertising to youngsters. Quebec加拿大的魁北克區(法語區) prohibits advertising of any sort directed at children禁止對兒童進行任何形式的廣告.
Mexican children see 12,000 junk-food adverts垃圾食物廣告 on television a year, more than in any other country. Having slapped taxes徵稅 on junk food and sugary drinks, Mexico now plans to ban adverts for them in the afternoons and evenings and at weekends. In June Taiwan gave regulators authority to restrict the marketing and even the sale of food they deem被視為是 unhealthy for children.
As standards tighten, arguments rage規範嚴謹之餘,爭論也開始沸騰. Is too much marketing still getting through to children? Are companies like Coca-Cola and McDonald’s, which in September promised to stop putting fizzy drinks氣泡甜飲料 on its “Happy Meals” menus, cynically 諷刺地determined to hook children in other ways以其他的方式去吸引小孩子上勾(引起兒童的注意力)? Should more jurisdictions管轄 impose Quebec-like bans? Or extend protection to children older than 12 or 13?
Pinning down欲了解/解釋 how advertising might harm children is tricky棘手. One line of inquiry studies its effects in the lab. Such experiments suggest that children eat more in response to 因為所做出的回應food promotion. Other types of study try to capture marketing’s effects on whole societies. An American one found that young people who saw one additional alcohol advert per month (beyond the average of 23) drank 1% more alcohol. Some research connects media consumption and weight. A 2005 study of teenagers in 34 countries found in 22 of them a correlation between 兩者的相關性their body mass index and the amount of television they watched.
Thin evidence證據薄弱
Such correlations do not prove that advertising causes obesity. Food and beverage producers have a point when they claim it is one factor among many眾多因素的其中一個. But still one to be dealt with: “We should be tackling因應問題所形成的策略與處理方式 all the causes of obesity, however small,” maintains Emma Boyland, a psychologist at the University of Liverpool.
Some radical critics argue that any sort of marketing aimed at children damages them. 一些極端的評論家駁斥,任何形式的兒童行銷策略都會傷害小孩子It is wrong to treat children as “economic objects將兒童視為是一種經濟目標(賺錢的對象)是錯誤的, says Bill Jeffery of the Centre for Science in the Public Interest, a group that campaigns for極力推動 good nutrition in America and Canada. Young children do not grasp that they are being advertised to; marketing to them is thus inherently deceptive小孩子在看廣告時,根本不曉得自己看的是廣告,所以對兒童行銷其實根本就是在欺騙他們。.
To such critics, any system of control that depends on companies policing themselves is doomed to fail製造商自制規範一定會失敗. Industries set the bar too low因為製造業的自我規範,所設定的標準太低了, exploit loopholes and find ways to broadcast their toxic messages. 廠商總是會找出漏洞來鑽,努力將有毒的訊息給散布出去。

Digital marketing offers new ways of reaching children for less money. Brand-boosting “advergames廣告商設計出來的線上遊戲,免費提供兒童玩樂”, can be more compelling引人注目的 than conventional commercials傳統的廣告. Such techniques are “outside the scope of範圍之外 most regulatory and self-regulatory” regimes.
Munch away
Most governments would rather co-operate with businesses than confront 對槓them. Taiwan’s new law and Mexico’s proposed one give governments the whip hand讓政府有主控權. Closer to the norm比較接近常規is Singapore: its health ministry is to lay down guidelines for a code of conduct 指導規範法則to be followed by firms. Norway, often a champion of tough controls挪威是個法條規範很嚴謹的國家, backed away last spring from a proposal to ban advertising of unhealthy food to people younger than 18. Activists積極份子 believe rule-makers立法者 should adopt the “precautionary principle預警原則: protecting children trumps勝過(本來的意思是王牌) other concerns. Marketers urge “proportionality”, giving weight to other interests like competition and profit. In most countries proportionality seems to be winning. That is probably a good thing.


  1. 老師您好!
    文中第五段的"pin down"這個phrasal verb,經查Macmillan English Dictionary For Advanced Learners of American English字典,除了有約束/管制的意思,還有"to understand or describe something exactly"的意思。感覺好像這個意思,比較符合上下文脈?

    忠實讀者 Pablo 敬上

  2. Hi Pablo,

    感謝您的提點。我之前提供的中文(pin down),拿來解釋這篇文章的那個句子,確實說不通哪。你那麼用心,讓我好生感動。將來若發現有任何錯誤,請不要客氣,再留言給我,我非常需要像您這樣的聲音。我下次會更注意。我已經改正了,檔案也重新上傳,若還有不妥,還請您繼續指導......(羞)





Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

Vegan 跟 vegetarian 其實不同派。關於各種「飲食派」的英文,這篇全介紹!吃素好處多,吃素可以救地球!

