The Year of Monkey has arrived! Learn these words and have a happy and prosperous new year! 追劇與更多年菜的英文在這啦!

Happy Chinese New Year ! 
教練最喜歡動物,但是猴子除外。所以今年猴年,教練找了一張偽猴兒動畫來給大家賀年。忙了一整年好不容易放個幾天假,教練卻因此病倒。先是諾羅病毒讓我上吐下瀉了兩天,之後打掃房子又再度扭傷腰,舊傷復發之餘,還得陪著家人到處去拜年跟辦事,這樣瞎忙的狀況讓教練好期待能快點收假上班。每年過年都要上傳一篇應景的文章,今年教練來教大家過年年菜的英文,還有該如何運動,才能耗掉500卡的食物熱量。過年很多人閒到爆to be bored out of one's mind追劇可少不了。

前幾天有人問我追劇的英文,我說,那就是 binge TV watching 或是 to marathon a show. 記得課堂上我教過同學爆食症的英文binge eating,所以一直不停地看電視,就是binge TV watching.

I watched 瑯琊榜"Nirvana in Fire" for seven days in a row with my family just to marathon the show.
I love this show so much that I could binge watch this show forever!


Long noodles symbolize longevity; therefore, the longer the noodles, the better. 


1. 冬瓜糖          candied winter melon strips
2. 金桔糖          candied kumquats
3. 糖蓮子          candied lotus seeds
4. 南瓜子          roasted pumpkin seeds
5. 葵瓜子          roasted sunflower seeds
6. 醬油瓜子      soy sauce coated/flavored watermelon seeds
7. 甘草瓜子      licorice coated/flavored watermelon seeds
8. 糖蓮藕          candied lotus roots

今年步步高升的英文就是achieving new heights in the coming year.用在學業或是事業都可以。如果是事業步步高升,就是achieving new career heights. 學業上步步高升,可說achieving new academic heights/ excellence.  紅棗的英文是red dates 堅果則是nuts。

白柚子  white pomelo is another auspicious吉利的 fruit. This citrus wonder symbolizes continuous prosperity and status.

 年初一吃齋菜可以帶來好運。這邊的齋菜其實就是素菜,好比羅漢齋Buddha's Delight
1. sea moss 髮菜 
2. lotus seed 蓮子
3. lily buds 百合心
4. black mushroom 冬菇
5. wood ear/tree jelly fish 木耳
6. deep-fried soy bean milk film 炸豆皮

深綠色的長年菜Long leafy greens也是飯桌上不可少的蔬菜。而且傳統是不可以切斷,整株烹調上桌,意味著父母壽比南山啊。有時有用長條的四季豆來取代葉菜類也可以。

年年有餘。Fish symbolizes abundance and should be served whole, with the head and tail intact.不可去頭尾。(不過在此還是呼籲大家多吃素少吃肉啦。)

芝麻湯圓的英文就是 sticky rice balls with sesame/peanut/mung bean filling/paste.
魷魚絲的英文 = dried shredded squid
海苔= roasted and salted crispy seaweed
核桃酥=Chinese walnut crisp
餃子 = dumplings 
豬肉高麗菜水餃= Pork and cabbage dumpling
豬肉韭菜水餃= Pork and chive dumpling
鍋貼= Pot stickers 
元寶 = yuanbao = old silver/gold ingot



  1. wow thanks for sharing, I've learned a lot!!

  2. 教練新年快樂! 對不起,我來晚了..

  3. Hi Sebas and Isaac,

    Happy Chinese New Year! Stay tuned for more to come!

  4. Dear Chloe,
    Just back from Europe yesterday with family. Happy Lunar New Year!!
    So much fun reading your blog, not too much fun traveling with kids...he he.


  5. Hi Joe,

    So nice to hear from you again.
    Tell me about it, traveling with kids can be a pain in the ass. Aren't you just glad that it's over?
    I wish you the very best in your future endeavors. By the way, my consulting firm is doing very well, and I thank the Buddhas for all the blessings and good people that have helped us along the way.

  6. That's really great!!
    We went firstly to Scotland, where my wife received her master degree more than 10 years ago and this was her revisit to the place. We started from Aberdeen, then to Edinburg Zoo (for kids), then to Aviemore (for ski). The weather condition was no good, but the highland view was really spectacular. Just like to old saying, you can experience four seasons in one day when traveling in Scotland.
    Then, we still spent a few days in Barcelona, just in case the bad weather ruin the whole holidays. Barcelona is very touristic and a lot to see. Though kids only looked for playing at the small garden after all the "big sights", ...ha ha..., it's probably too early to take them to Europe.

  7. Wow Joe, thanks for the details. How long did it take for you to travel all these places? Your kids are really lucky! When I was a kid, a trip to the city zoo was all I could wish for. Email me pictures! I'd love to see these places with your lovely family.





Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

Vegan 跟 vegetarian 其實不同派。關於各種「飲食派」的英文,這篇全介紹!吃素好處多,吃素可以救地球!

