吃素好處多,紅肉最毒不要碰。Vegetarians May Live Longer!





"Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds them. We live by the death of others. We are burial places! I have since an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men will look upon the murder of animals as they look upon the murder of man." 
Leonardo da Vinci



我之前看過一隻影片,叫做The Earthlings。片中說明地球上所有的動物都是the Earthlings(姑且稱之為我們人類的共生夥伴),人類卻殘忍殺害這些動物。那影片實在是太寫實了,我看了三分之一就看不下去。我相信如果我把這支影片拿來當成早鳥影片給大家看,晚上便當裡的排骨可能會徹底走味,因為應該沒人吃得下去。(這支影片目前因為版權問題已經無法在youtube上面觀看)

我吃素已經邁入第五年。當初會吃素,與其說是宗教信仰,不如說是出自一股很深沉的罪惡感。我不會矯情的說肉很臭,因為我現在聞到炸雞排,還是會覺得很香啊,但是我已經曉得動物被虐待的真相,不應該再成為這個殘暴結構的共犯。有些佛教徒會說,他們吃的是三淨肉(眼不見殺、耳不聞殺與不為己殺)也就是只要不親手殺掉動物就沒事情,但這是自欺欺人的說法。有需求才有存在的必要,只要有人願意花錢買肉,就有人繼續做這些事情。之前有朋友跟我辯論,說釋迦牟尼佛在世時也吃肉,吃素是佛教傳到中國來之後,在南北朝梁武帝開始的。我說沒有錯。釋迦牟尼佛在世時,僧侶多要外出托缽,乞討來的食物是人家給什麼就吃什麼沒得挑剔。那當然不可一概而論。吃素對我而言其實更像是個人行為,而非宗教的影響。佛教勸人向善,滿口平等慈悲與寬容的教徒,去佛寺裡拜懺完,又走進牛排館大口吃肉,請問那是啥意思啊?很多人吃素不是因為宗教信仰,而是為了善待動物,並且拯救地球。我在部落格曾經介紹很多篇關於素食的文章(包括奶蛋素lacto-ovo vegetarian純素者vegan的英文與兩者之間的差異),瘦肉精的報導也都還在,有興趣的人可以去標籤雲那邊找一找。





之前都是活蹦亂跳的地球共生伴侶  The Earthlings



Vegetarians May Live Longer
June 04, 2013

In one of the largest studies to date, researchers from Loma Linda University in California report that vegetarians outlast(活得比更久) meat eaters.
Among a group of 70,000 participants, researchers determined that vegetarians had a 12% lower risk of death(死亡風險) compared with nonvegetarians. The effect held true for other specific vegetarian diets, according to the study, which is published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine(美國醫學學會期刊。此為全球醫學界的五大期刊之一). For instance, vegans also had a lower risk of death compared to nonvegetarians.
Vegetarian diets have been linked in prior research(稍早/先前的研究) to a lower likelihood of(可能性較低) developing chronic diseases(慢性疾病) like heart disease(心臟病) or diabetes(糖尿病), but the underlying(位於之下的) mechanisms作用 are still under investigation. “We can’t tell from this current paper with certainty, but one of the most plausible看起來最有可能的 potential reasons contributing to this beneficial association is perhaps the absence or reduction of meat intake缺乏或是減少了肉類的攝取,” says Dr. Michael J. Orlich, the program director of the preventive-medicine預防醫學 residency at Loma Linda University.
Red meat紅肉 has been fingered被歸咎 as a potential culprit可能的/潛在的罪犯 because of its high levels of saturated fat飽和性脂肪 and cholesterol膽固醇, which can clog up arteries阻塞動脈. In April, another study found that the compound複合物 carnitine肉鹼(卡尼丁)一種類胺基酸, also found in red meat, is metabolized使代謝(分解) by human-gut bacteria人體腸道細菌 and fills up blood vessels. 這句話的意思是,紅肉當中的「左旋肉鹼」,被腸道中的細菌分解代謝後,會造成脂肪囤積在血管內,引發心血管阻塞
While there is a fair amount of evidence linking red-meat consumption to higher mortality高死亡率, other factors could also be at play扮演重要角色. “It could also be that consumption攝取 of various plant foods may be beneficially associated with reduced mortality, so we definitely want to look at those things on the food level in the future,” says Orlich.
Interestingly, the investigators also found that the association between vegetarian diets and lower mortality was greater in men than in women. Men had a lower rate of cardiovascular disease心血管疾病 and death from heart-related conditions心臟相關的症狀. Women did not have the same measurable測量得出 reductions減少.
 “I don’t have any strong speculations推測, but it could be that the diet is playing out differently due to biological factors生理因素 in men and women,” says Orlich, who plans to look deeper into what specific foods and nutrients養分 may be responsible for the association. Figuring out what drives the link is complex, and it could be different for various groups and individuals. For example, a British study of the vegetarian diet in over 47,250 participants did not find the same mortality results. The fact that American vegetarians consume more fiber纖維 and vitamin C維生素C could be the reason, and this underscores強調了 the need for better understanding of how diet impacts longevity食物對長壽的影響.


  1. So very true...there's been a lot of discussions about Earthlings on Facebook. It's said to be one of the most disturbing documentaries ever made. I never had the heart to watch the film. My friends have reported shaking hands, nightmares and a burning desire to bomb livestock farms since watching the film.
    Thank you for promoting veganism/vegetarianism, Chloe. We're the only voice and defender for the voiceless and the defenseless.
    Earthlings can be viewed for free online.
    It's no surprise that some of the world's greatest minds are vegetarians - Jane Goodall, Voltaire, Leonardo da Vinci, Aristotle, Plato, etc. I can show you some of their quotes on vegetarianism. Very, VERY compelling.
    Here's one of my favorite, by da Vinci:
    "Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds them. We live by the death of others. We are burial places! I have since an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men will look upon the murder of animals as they look upon the murder of man."





Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

Vegan 跟 vegetarian 其實不同派。關於各種「飲食派」的英文,這篇全介紹!吃素好處多,吃素可以救地球!

