NPR廣播也能學到很多藝術史的相關英文。培養好氣質! 本周介紹Edward Hopper。四分鐘的藝術史大補丸!

上圖油畫作品為Hopper最知名的作品之一,畫中床上的女人是他的妻子。下圖是知名的影片Shirely, Visions of reality(13個雪莉- 現實的幻象)。


Edward Hopper愛德華霍普是教練最喜歡的美國當代畫家之一。他的畫作安逸中有一股隱隱的騷動,作品看起來似乎是靜止的,但裡面所描繪的人物又好像在悄悄地移動著,有種安靜但是詭異的感覺。

許多藝評家覺得Hopper非常會描繪都市人的落寞寂寥loneliness,不過Hopper本人卻認為這樣的說法言過其實it's an overstatement。看畫的人總有自己的詮釋,這些想法與畫家本身的堅持可能有很大的不同,這也是藝術有趣的地方。


Hopper's Pensive Lady In Pink Travels The World


Let's put into our minds one of the ultimate images of summer最能代表夏天的終極印象. A woman in a short, pink slip細肩帶的粉紅連身襯裙 sits on a bed, her knees pulled up to her chest雙腳弓起靠緊靠著胸部 and she's gazing out凝視著外面 a window. Her hair is pulled back into a bun往後梳成一個髮髻, and her arms are wrapped around her knees雙手環抱著雙腿. Edward Hopper painted her in 1952 and called the work called "Morning Sun." The painting has been reproduced持續被複製 for decades. NPR's special correspondent Susan Stamberg went to Ohio to see the original原作品 at the Columbus Museum of Art.
MELISSA WOLFE: ...and then the Hopper goes in the middle of this wall.
SUSAN STAMBERG, BYLINE: Excuse me. The Hopper was there, but where is it?
WOLFE: The Hopper right now is in Maine...
STAMBERG: Melissa Wolfe is the Columbus museum's curator館長(也有策展人的意思) of American art.
WOLFE: It's on loan right now to an exhibition因為外地的一個展覽正出借當中.
STAMBERG: Wait. I came all this way from Washington D.C. to Columbus, Ohio to see one of the world's most famous paintings by Edward Hopper, and it's not here?
WOLFE: No. It travels a lot. It's a very well-requested詢問度很高的 painting.
STAMBERG: Sometimes they do turn down a request拒絕要求. The lady needs to rest after all, but basically, "Morning Sun" has a passport that makes Hillary Clinton look like a couch potato這幅畫經常周遊列國,出國的次數多到連當時國務卿希拉蕊看起來都像是個足不出戶的宅女.(國務卿相當於我國的行政院長兼外交部長)

WOLFE: She's been to Japan twice. She's been to Mexico twice. She was at the Tate Modern英國倫敦的泰德現代美術館. She's been to Italy, Switzerland, Germany.
STAMBERG: Right now, she's in Madrid馬德里. This fall, she goes to Paris. Now the Columbus, Ohio art museum keeps a big poster海報 of "Morning Sun" in the gallery where the painting usually - or sometimes - hangs. Slight comfort for Hopper reality fans對於霍普的死忠畫迷來說,有點安慰作用(不無小補). Still there are fun facts about how she travels. Columbus Director Nannette Maciejunes says the museum does the packing - bubble wrap包裝用的泡泡塑膠紙, sealing tape封箱膠帶, crate木箱.
NANNETTE MACIEJUNES: The Hopper has its own special crate that we - I think we've had it remade a couple of times, but we just keep it. It's marked the Hopper crate, and we store it for the next time she goes on a trip.
STAMBERG: Museum staffers博物館的工作人員 travel with her. Before airport super-security became a way of life, curators could stand on the tarmac鋪有柏油與碎石的飛機跑道 and watch paintings being loaded. Now, they go to a viewing room to watch. Accredited museums經過官方認證核可的博物館 don't charge when they lend, collegial creed學院信條, they say. There is a small fee to cover paperwork.文件費用會酌收費用 As for insurance, it's paid by the borrower.
WOLFE: And it's wall to wall. They insure it from the time it comes off the wall until the time it comes back to our wall.
STAMBERG: Before Morning Sun goes up on a new wall, it sits in its crate, getting acclimatized使適應/服水土, kind of like a fine violin.
MACIEJUNES: Usually 24 hours.
STAMBERG: Twenty-four hours...
MACIEJUNES: Twenty-four hours it stays in its crate.
STAMBERG: Columbus staffers monitor the uncrating and inspect檢查 to make sure it's traveled well.
WOLFE: And then we watch it go up on the wall. And then we say, it looks great, good luck, and we head home.
STAMBERG: Columbus, Ohio became home to "Morning Sun" thanks to an acquisitions fund藝術基金會(專門用來取得藝術品) donated by a wealthy local collector and painter當地的收藏家與畫家(投注金錢設立的基金會). In 1954, the museum got in touch with Frank K.M. Rehn at Hopper's New York gallery.
WOLFE: Rehn said, well, if you offer us this much, I'm sure Eddie will take it, and he did.
STAMBERG: And how much was it?
WOLFE: It was 35 hundred.
MACIEJUNES: That's one of the things, in the museum business, you really don't talk about, current values現值 of paintings.
STAMBERG: Columbus Museum Director Nannette MacieJunes.
MACIEJUNES: But this is a historic value, so it's kind of hard to believe that an Edward Hopper, in 1954...
WOLFE: ...'54 was 35 hundred.
MACIEJUNES: ...$3,500.
STAMBERG: In recent years, Hoppers have gone for 10 and $20-plus million, enough to buy a few mink coats貂皮大衣 to cover that bare-armed兩隻手空空的沒有袖子覆蓋的 lady in the picture. She, the model, was someone Edward Hopper knew very well.
WOLFE: The model was Jo, who was Hopper's wife. She insisted堅持, after they were married in the '20s, that she be his only model.
STAMBERG: She was 69 when she posed for作品擔任模特兒擺姿勢 "Morning Sun," yet Hopper paints a shapely woman身材標準的, no wrinkles, no wriggly有垂肉的 chin. Nice to have a husband who keeps you young and thoughtful, as she looks out that painted window at buildings across the way.
WOLFE: When I look at this for a long time, I always imagine that while, you know, we're looking from the inside here, that the implication暗示著 is that there is someone just like her sitting sort of in this atomized, bare room, looking out of every single one of those other windows, too.
STAMBERG: Morning Sun, about isolation孤獨 in cities maybe. Everyone in her or his own world. People always think Hopper, himself a solitary獨自一人, quiet man, is painting loneliness.
WOLFE: I actually don't. And Hopper himself said the loneliness thing is overrated過頭了.

STAMBERG: Curator Melissa Wolfe sees solitude孤單, not loneliness, in Edward Hopper's Morning Sun. See what you see愛怎麼看就怎麼看(愛怎麼想隨你便), either now at, or at a museum near you, where the much traveled painted lady 經常周遊列國的(女士)畫作from the Columbus, Ohio Art Museum just might show up some day. I'm Susan Stamberg, NPR News.




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