Fear of flying? Well, don't be. 坐飛機會皮皮剉?專家說別擔心。

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英文時間到 :
In-flight jitters 坐飛機緊張症狀
a nervous flyer 坐飛機會緊張的人
pre-flight jitters搭飛機前緊張恐慌症


Fear of flying: don't be fooled by the scary news-air travel is as safe as ever!
If you're like most people, the temptation is to swear off air travel, at least for a while. But you've reached the wrong conclusion.
*To swear off – 發誓戒除

                                 airplane from Pinterest

The news from the skies couldn’t get grimmer從未如此令人感到畏懼. In just the week since Malaysian Airlines flight 17 was brought down by a missile strike被飛彈擊落 in Ukraine烏克蘭, killing 298 people, two more planes have gone down or gone missing: On July 23, a TransAsia flight crashed off Taiwan, killing 58 people, probably due to turbulence亂流 caused by typhoon Matmo; this morning an Air Algerie plane一架阿爾及利亞航空 with 116 people aboard disappeared from radar從雷達中消失 and is thought to have crashed off of Mali馬利, another possible victim of weather. And all of this comes in the wake of 之後the still-mysterious March 8 disappearance of Malaysian Air flight 370, with 239 people aboard.
If you’re like most people, the temptation is to swear off air travel, at least for a while. And, like most people, you’ve reached the wrong conclusion.
Human beings are very good at a lot of things, but we’re terrible when it comes to risk assessment風險評估. That’s not our fault; we’re wired that way人類生來就會這樣/這是我們的本能. If the tiger comes from one patch of the forest, you avoid that patch. If snakes are in one fruit tree you never return to it. But the modern world presents a whole lot more complexity than our still slowly developing brains are equipped to handle. And few things flummox 使人感到慌亂us more than airplanes.
The occasional rash of disasters因大意或輕率所造成的偶發意外災害 like the recent ones don’t help matters any. But the fact is, those are just statistical clusters 一群統計數字— the airline equivalent of a few people in one country developing a rare form of cancer罕見的癌症, which gets people looking for an environmental toxin環境毒素 or some other cause, when in fact it may just be random numbers at play隨機出現/並沒有固定形式. Yes, flying into a war zone or the teeth of a typhoon 颱風最危險的暴風雨範圍裡is going to increase the danger that something very bad is going to happen to you. But avoid those obvious no-go zones禁行區 and the odds are very good機率很高 you’ll be just fine.這句話是說安全的機率很高
In 2010, according to a report by the U.N.’s Civil Aviation Organization聯合國國際民航組織, there were a breathtaking 30,566,513 commercial departures worldwide全球民航機起飛記錄. Yet, according to an authoritative site that tracks all departures and arrivals起飛與降落, there were only 12 crashes of planes carrying more than 18 people12起空難中只有18人罹難 and only three of them resulted in more than 99 fatalities而這些空難中也只有三起意外死亡人數超過99. Those deaths were an unspeakable tragedy難以言喻的悲痛 for the people who lost their lives and the families they left behind, but in the cold calculus of probability理性的機率數字(微積分)顯示, they’re less than a rounding error所占比例僅與四捨五入的誤差相當 compared to all the people who flew aboard those 30.5 million flights.
Air travel, surely, is not risk free完全沒有風險, but it’s hardly a new observation to say that nothing is. Statistical clusters do smooth out平息 over even a relatively short period of time and what feels like a grave danger嚴重的危險 today will seem relatively benign良性的/不那麼恐怖的 again tomorrow. The tragedy of the lives lost on the recent crashes is a very real thing; but so is the low likelihood機率極低 of any one person suffering the same sorrowful end.這裡指的是遭遇到空難這樣令人感到難過的結局




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