New from NPR! 3D 列印超屌,藝術品未來可以直接印好擺家裡!解析版來了!

提到3D列印,不曉得為什麼我馬上想到地球上的垃圾會變得更多。因為印壞了的東西該怎麼辦?除了丟掉之外別無他法。列印藝術品真是個不錯的點子,使用的材質也是環保的東西,即便丟棄後也可以自行分解biodegradable。不過博物館的紀念品店Souvenir shop可能生意就會大受影響了。



3-D Printing A Masterwork For Your Living Room
Getting to see Michelangelo's sculpture "David" in person is pretty cool. An entirely different experience would be having him in your living room. But advances in 3-D printing technology are making it possible to create an almost perfect replica完美的複製品 for yourself. NPR's Laura Sydell has this profile of one innovator who's pushing the edges不斷創新 of how 3-D printing can be used to make classic works 古典藝術品accessible.
LAURA SYDELL, BYLINE: These days, a lot of museums will let people take photos of art.
COSMO WENMAN: It gets a little exhausting and monotonous單調或乏味的after the 500th photo.
SYDELL: Cosmo Wenman is photographing Rodin's法國雕塑家羅丹 "Bellona," a bronze bust銅製的半身像 of the Roman goddess of war and he needs a lot of photos to do what's called a 3-D scan. Bellona's got an engraved helmet有雕飾的頭盔 with flaps頭盔的邊 that fall along the back of her neck like a horse's mane馬鬃. She looks down her shoulder with her intense gaze熱切的凝視, her taut neck緊繃的脖 muscles protruding肌肉凸出.
WENMAN: It's got some detail's I'll have to get in close to, but it could turn out well.做出來之後效果會很好
SYDELL: Wenman's standing in a gallery of the Cantor Center for the Visual Arts at Stanford University. He's been making 3-D replicas of classic sculptures from museum collections around the world, including the Louvre, the British Museum and the Getty Villa.
WENMAN: I'm trying to demonstrate what the regular consumer can do with consumer-grade photography and consumer-grade software一般消費者等級的軟體(非專業的) and even consumer-grade 3-D printers to recreate artwork複製藝術品.
SYDELL: After Wenman takes all the photos he needs, he will then process them with some free software from Autodesk and a $2,200 MakerBot 3-D printer. The software is able to bring together all of Cosmo's photos and recreate an object with three dimensions立體的物件. He's recently started a partnership with Autodesk and today, he's doing some printing at their San Francisco offices.
WENMAN: It's basically a hot glue gun熱熔膠槍 attached to a printing armature列印機器. Instead of a printer just going back and forth spraying ink噴墨, this goes back and up and down.
SYDELL: The hot glue he's talking about is a type of biodegradable plastic 能自然分解的塑膠that's good for printing large things. The printer builds up the object with the plastic, layer by layer, based on the software instructions. The result is an object that has all the contours線條, details 細節and proportions比例 of the sculpture he photographed.
As we wait for the Rodin to print, he shows me some small replicas he's made of a classic Greek torso軀幹 from the Louvre with lots of rippling muscles肌肉紋路. Part of Wenman's process also includes putting patinas綠色的銅鏽 on the sculpture to make it look like the original.
WENMAN: You can see it's complete. It looks good and to my eye, this is worthy of display 好到可以放在家裡展示 in the home.
SYDELL: Wenman puts his art scans on the MakerBot-run website Thingiverse so that other people can print them out at home or wherever there is a 3-D printer. Wenman sees all kinds of uses for his scans of classical works.
WENMAN: Schools could use these for their instruction. They could make cheap reproductions in the classroom. Art lovers could use them for study. People could just print them and have them in their homes.
SYDELL: Wenman got support from Autodesk after the company's Tatjana Dzambazova saw his work at a 3-D printing conference in London. She says most of the showcases were about 3-D printing iPhone cases機套 and toys. But then...
TATJANA DZAMBAZOVA: I saw this gorgeous sculpture of a horse and I say, oh, my God, what is this? It didn't look like a 3-D print. He was trying to show that you can make art, or that you can save heritage搶救遺產 or a much further instance than just, oh, I'll make my dock這裡指的是手機底座 or my iPhone cover and that's it, right?
SYDELL: So far, no museums have objected to what Wenman is doing. Wenman says he doesn't ask permission. He'd prefer to ask forgiveness. But when Cantor Center Director Connie Wolf sees him in the gallery, she actually seems excited, a 3-D print is a lot more like seeing a sculpture than a photo would be.
CONNIE WOLF: The ability to see a sculpture as if you're walking around it is something so important. I'm very intrigued by it, but I don't know it.
SYDELL: Wolf says she sees great value in what Wenman is trying to do, as long as it's for the right reasons只要是出自好的理由.
WOLF: You want to be sure that people recognize these are studying tools, teaching tools. These are opportunities to enjoy something that's a replica as opposed to a forgery仿冒品.
SYDELL: Wolf also says 3-D printing could raise copyright problems 版權問題 with contemporary當代的 sculpture. But, she sees it more like a new version of posters新型的(立體)海報, which have made people more interested in seeing the original artwork. This summer the Metropolitan Museum held a hackathon黑客松 for digital artists and programmers who wanted to help scan parts of its collection.
Cosmo Wenman hopes he's leading the way to a future where 3-D prints of sculptures by greats like Rodin or Michelangelo are as common as posters of a Van Gogh.

Laura Sydell, NPR News, San Francisco.

關於黑客松 Hackathon

這是黑客 + 馬拉松Hack + Marathon)的組合字,大致上就是一群人聚在一起以馬拉松的方式進行一段長時間的 Hack (軟體研發)活動,像是台灣 Yahoo! 辦過 Open Hack Day、台灣微軟辦過 HTML5 IE 瀏覽器的黑客松活動,這類型的活動,實際進行的時間從半天、一天到兩天一夜的長度都有。Hackathon 活動可以在極短的時間內考驗、培養團隊成員的溝通默契以及解決問題的能力,過去本來有時間利用一個月做完的專案,在這樣的活動中被壓縮到極限後,大家能做的事情就是儘快達成共識、先做再說,團隊成員彼此的優缺點或是性格上比較強烈的特質也會在這個過程中更加突顯出來。
A hackathon (also known as a hack day, hackfest or codefest) is an event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers and project managers, collaborate intensively on software projects.


  1. 這篇搭配老師另外一篇短文:The Printer of All Printers

    同樣主題一起讀,真有意思. :)

  2. 你真是超認真的。昨天上傳的NPR談論的Edward Hopper(已故美國當代藝術家)也有一則影片
    兩者一起讀也很有趣喔。(201506托福聽說晨班Unit 7可以下載)

  3. 教練:

    Bellona's got an engraved helmet with flaps that fall along the back of her neck like a horse's mane.
    It's got some detail's I'll have to get in close to, but it could turn out well.
    都有用到 's got ,這兩句的got是被動語態嗎?要怎麼翻比較好呢?


    She looks down her shoulder with her intense gaze, her taut neck muscles protruding.逗點後是不是省略掉了and或是什麼字呢?


  4. Hi 良杰


    Bellona's got an engraved helmet with flaps that fall along the back of her neck like a horse's mane.



    這一句話的意思是:還有一些細節我需要再仔細研究一下(to get in close to)但這個雕像最後列印出來的效果應該會不錯(it could turn out well)

    It's got some details...這邊的It's got 是 It has got. Bellona's got也是 Bellona has got不是被動語態喔。





Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

Vegan 跟 vegetarian 其實不同派。關於各種「飲食派」的英文,這篇全介紹!吃素好處多,吃素可以救地球!

