Phablet時代來臨啦,iPhone 6 的新配備英文要會。


我近乎電腦白痴,手機雖然是用iPhone (4S)但是除了拿來聽TED跟NPR以及偶爾打電動,其實其他功能都不會。我不是果粉an iPhone devotee,但是現在覺得平板手機的phablet ( phone + tablet )的問世,對於老花眼嚴重的中年人也是功德一樁。今天在時代雜誌網站TIME以及華爾街時報都閱讀到關於iPhone 6的報導,我將TIME的文章整理好跟大家分享,順便整理出一些你或許不知道(其實在產品正式發表前都只是傳聞)的iPhone rumors 給大家瞧瞧。

1. iPhone 6 可能推出兩款,4.7吋螢幕的是 iPhone 6,5.5吋螢幕的是iPhone 6L.

2. 藍寶石玻璃是一種人造產物,不是真的寶石。據說不怕磨,不怕刮也更不容易裂開。

3. 全新iPhone 6 為liquidmetal(液態金屬)合金材料製成,質感更佳。

4. 全新iPhone 6將搭載8-megapixel HD resolution解析度。另外,內建相機與Nokia Lumia 1020 and LG G2同級,移動中拍攝取景也不是問題。

5. battery life電池壽命將提升15%。

兩年前我曾經有機會去apple工作,不過因為我拒絕出差business travel後來沒能加入蘋果的團隊。身邊好多人知道後替我感到惋惜。當時apple北京的辦公室需要找個有策略strategic planning與文案copywriting背景的廣告人,我之前的廣告業同事(後來進入apple工作)推薦我,於是我幸運的獲得面試與考試的機會,去應徵文案copywriter一職。考試是take-home exam。考試的內容就不說了(保密條款 confidentiality agreement),對岸的兩個主管 Marketing director 與 Creative director後來也親自飛來台北面試。面試內容一樣不能透露。

我要表達的是,其實在蘋果上班的人,真的好低調啊。之前我對於在apple公司服務的高級幹部總有那麼一點奇想,不過真正見面談話的時候,發現兩個女主管不但都長得很像公務員,表達方式也非常一板一眼,(相較之下我就是一個比較跳針的人) 她們並且透露在蘋果上班最厭煩的事情,就是任何與工作相關的事情,都得保密,即便對自己的家人也不例外。天哪,這簡直跟當個間諜沒兩樣不是嗎?而且兩個主管都是一身黑,以接近休閒服的裝扮示人,這讓我頓時感到有點失望(以為蘋果人會打扮的非常潮,沒想到都跟賈伯斯生前的裝扮很雷同)。


嚴謹、低調且專業是我對apple高階主管的印象。會談後Creative Director馬上來信給我,並且提醒我要記得補傳email文件(作品)過去,效率一級高。以前我去google面談時,主管跟我約在西華飯店,apple比較低調,約在台北商旅(只是一間會議室,且沒有東西吃),面試後我被要求不能透露考試與面談的內容,所以能說的只有這些了。後來我沒有接受那份工作,完全是因為不願意出差。今年三月,我決定接受香港佳士得拍賣會Christie's的工作,因為香港的工作不必住香港也不必出差,跟我的所學(藝術史)也最接近,所以就這樣拍板定案了。



5 Awesome Things Apple’s New iPhone 6 Is Rumored to Have

Sam Frizell

It’s Apple devotees果粉 favorite time of the year again. 
Apple appears set to roll out推出 its new iPhone this month, with a planned Sept. 9 event likely to mark the unveiling of the fabled傳言中的 iPhone 6. Just like unicorns 獨角獸or Tupac 美國饒舌藝人, we can’t be absolutely sure what features the new iPhone 6 will have. But the rumors have been flying thick and fast, and expectations are high.傳言滿天飛,萬眾引頸期盼
Here are some of features strongly rumored()的最兇的 to be on the new iPhone 6.
A Model With a Bigger Screen.更大的螢幕Some Apple critics have compared the iPhone 5’s puny超級迷你 4-in. screen unfavorably with Samsung’s flagship 旗艦版phones, like the Galaxy S5, which has a 5.1-in. screen. The iPhone 6 is expected to silence the complainers 讓抱怨的人閉嘴, with one iPhone 6 model rumored to have a 5.5-in. screen, which is quite a big jump in size. A second model may have a 4.7-in. display, which is also a pretty big increase, and certainly much larger than the comparatively minuscule超級小的 iPhone 4 display, which was a mere 3.5 in.
Near Field Communication (NFC).近距離無線通訊
Near Field Communication is essentially a way to wirelessly connect devices over a very short range. 在非常短的距離內The Financial Times reported Friday that Apple is working with a Dutch chipmaker 荷蘭的一家晶片製造商to add NFC capabilities to the new iPhone, opening up 開啟了the possibility of mobile, pay-by-touch payments感應式付款 and open other potential applications.
Mobile Payments.感應式付款
The iPhone 6’s purported NFC capabilities will mean Apple could turn the iPhone into a mobile wallet行動錢包, allowing users to pay for goods and services with a swipe of the phone 用手指滑一下手機. Apple is reportedly holding talks with credit-card companies and banks on the effort, and thanks to Apple’s massive database of financial data it’s collected through the App Store and iTunes, this could be push mobile payments into the mainstream.
Sapphire Glass.藍寶石玻璃
One of the biggest complaints with the iPhone and other smartphones is that they’re pretty fragile 脆弱的devices, considering how often we use them and how expensive they can be — and there are few things uglier than a cracked iPhone display. 裂掉的面板Well, Apple is developing synthetic sapphire 人造藍寶石at its new facility in Arizona, the Wall Street Journal reports, a harder and more expensive material that can replace glass. And if this can be believed, sapphire is remarkably resilient 更耐用. Plus, Apple already used sapphire in smart parts of the iPhone 5 (over the camera lens) and in the iPhone 5S (for the home button/fingerprint scanner).
iOS 8.作業系統
Apple’s new operating system 作業系統is one of the few things we do know a lot about, and it’s official information from Apple this time. For instance, we know that Apple is rolling out 推出a new HealthKit app as part of iOS 8 that allows users to keep track of their personal health and fitness data, which also pulls in data from other sources like Nike+ apps and health institutions. We also know that iOS 8 allows you to share apps分享應用程式, music and books purchased with the same credit card with your family, as well as save photos, video and documents to iCloud. The camera software will have a shot timer 相機定時自拍功能and other improvements, and group messaging 群組簡訊will be more versatile: you can now add or drop someone from a conversation, finally.




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