全新英文短篇訓練出爐!Baby Jumping Festival 跳嬰節聽起來怪可怕的說...





Bouncing over Baby!

20130530 蘋果日報雙語天下

There are many odd festivals in the world. Some are very old, whereas others are quite new. Either way, they can be interesting, scary, or thrilling. Many special festivals are rooted in Spain. One has everyone throwing tomatoes at each other. Another is the exciting yet dangerous Running of the Bulls. However, the small town of Castrillo de Murcia has put itself on the map with its El Colacho, otherwise known as the Baby Jumping Festival.
During El Colacho, important people from the church and a man dressed as the Devil walk through town. They make noise while the Devil chases and hits teenagers on the butt with a whip. Then, everyone gathers in the town square, where babies born in the previous year are placed. They are laid together in small groups on mattresses. Next, the Devil jumps over the babies, which is believed to take away their original sins. The event has been held since 1620 and was started as a way to protect babies from bad things. The Baby Jumping Festival may be a bit scary to watch, but it proves to be great fun.

這世上有許多稀奇古怪的節慶。有的歷史悠久,有的則頗為新創。不論是哪一種,它們都可以很有趣、很恐怖,或很刺激。許多特別節慶都起源於西班牙。當中有一個會讓民眾朝彼此丟擲番茄。另一個則是令人興奮卻又異常危險的奔牛節。然而,Castrillo de Murcia這個小鎮卻是以別名為跳嬰節的El Colacho讓自己聲名大噪。

El Colacho的節慶期間,教會裡的重要人士和一名裝扮成魔鬼的男子會穿越整座小鎮。他們會一邊製造噪音,而魔鬼則是追在青少年後頭、鞭打孩子們的屁股。接著所有人都聚集在鎮民廣場,當中擺放著前一年出生的寶寶。這些嬰兒會被一小群一小群地分置於床墊上。然後,魔鬼會跳過小寶寶們身上,因為一般相信這樣做能帶走他們的原罪。這項活動已從1620年實施至今,一開始是一種保護嬰兒不被壞東西侵擾的做法。雖然跳嬰節觀賞起來或許有點可怕,但事實上卻是樂趣無窮。 


put...on the map  使……出名/為人所知
This landmark building will definitely put
our city on the map after its completion.
otherwise/also known as...
the Devil (n.) 撒旦,魔鬼
sin (n.) 罪孽,罪惡 




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