"What the hail?" 時事學英文,冰雹怎麼說?

繼上週的毒澱粉toxic starch事件後,這兩天大台北地區下冰雹也成了新聞焦點。今天來介紹hail這個字。下冰雹英文可說A lot of hails fell (fall的過去式)from the sky.
冰雹大小不一,國外曾有如棒球大的冰雹落下,baseball-sized hail真是嚇死人。說到冰雹就會再學到一個辭彙,那就是對流雲系convective cloud.
The China Post 有一篇關於大台北地區下冰雹的報導,有趣的是,記者的標題寫的是"What the hail?"這邊的hail發音與hell(地獄)很接近。英文的What the hell的意思是「搞啥飛機?」美語中的What the hellwhat the heck意思都差不多,這次What the hail是取諧音,搏君一笑。




Residents in Taipei say 'What the hail?'
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
By Joy Lee ,The China Post

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Thunder and lightening雷電 were accompanied by hail冰雹 for the third time in recorded history歷史紀錄 in the Greater Taipei area 大台北地區yesterday, according to the Central Weather Bureau中央氣象局 (CWB).

The CWB said that the first time hail was recorded was in 1979, with the second occurrence 第二次發生taking place in 1998.

According to the CWB, the areas where hail fell yesterday afternoon included Zhonghe中和, Yonghe永和, Luzhou蘆洲 and Sanchong三重 Districts in New Taipei City新北市 and Wanhua萬華, Zhongzheng中正, Neihu內湖, Zhongshan 中山and Nangang南港 Districts in Taipei City.

The CWB said that the size of hail冰雹的大小 that fell yesterday ranged from about 0.5 to 1.2 centimeters公分.

Even though the CWB issued a hail warning發出冰雹警告 in advance提前, some damage災害(注意此字不能加s) was still inflicted by而造成傷害或是痛苦 the rare weather phenomenon罕見的氣候現象 in Greater Taipei.

A large area of the Judicial Yuan司法院 rooftop屋頂 was damaged, though no injuries受傷 were reported, said the CWB.

The CWB said that the massive convective cloud 強烈的對流雲系that is over the northern part of Taiwan will continue to result in thunderstorms大雷雨, strong winds狂風 and hail冰雹 until tomorrow, so people should still be cautious and bring rain gear 雨具when going outdoors.

People can also check the CWB website regularly for timely warnings regarding the weather. 即時的天氣預告與警示  




Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

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