
整形plastic surgery這件事情,過去課堂上也討論過。這次透過文章,讓大家了解相關的英文用詞。其實這邊我要幫這些參選人說句公道話。上面這張照片,每位佳麗乍看之下長的是很像沒錯,但是真的也沒有一模一樣啊,大家不要太懶惰啦,人家佳麗都花心思整了,我們也要給他仔細看,用力看,不能隨邊喵一眼啊。而且真的要說長得像,其實罪魁禍首是化妝品啊。大家沒看過婚紗照裡面的新娘,每個不也都長得一個樣?這些女生卸了妝之後,我想看起來就應該比較不一樣啦。其實這個新聞只凸顯我們對於美感的狹隘度,因為所有的美麗都等於大眼小鼻還有鵝蛋臉啊,呵呵...

這是篇英國每日郵報的報導。這篇文章最後,還提到了一個非常有趣的cultural divide也就是文化差異。怎麼說呢?原來就整形這件事情,東西方的女性要求也大不同。西方女人滿腦子想的都是更大更豐更圓,數大即是美啊。可是東方女性要的是精巧(眼睛與胸部除外),鼻子要縮,下巴要尖,臉蛋要小,所以western=bigger, Asian= refinement。這好像還真有點道理。


Has plastic surgery made these beauty queens all look the same? Koreans complain about pageant 'clones'


By Steve Nolan

South Korea's growing obsession越來越著迷 with plastic surgery整形手術 became apparent明顯的 when pictures of a group of aspiring beauty queens 選美參賽者(渴望成為選美皇后的佳麗)posted online prompted claims that cosmetic procedures整形手術 have left all the contestants looking the same.

South Koreans currently have more plastic surgery 整形手術than in any other country according to recent figures, with the craze「瘋」潮 particularly popular among 19 to 49-year-olds.

The popularity of surgery, particularly among the young, has been blamed by some on a desire to look more 'western'希望外表能更像西方人 fuelled by an obsession with celebrity culture韓國的名人文化是始作俑者(fuel by 原來的意思是激勵或是促成的意思)All of the women vying for 為了爭取the crown of Miss Korea 2013 have dark, perfectly trussed是指頭髮型梳綁得很好/SET的好 hair, either tumbling over their shoulders垂肩長髮(tumble本身有墜落或是落下的意思) or neatly tied up, pale skin雪白的肌膚(注意,皮膚白皙英文不可說white skin), bright eyes and a perfect bright white smile微笑時露出潔白貝齒.

The pageant sparked controversy引發爭議 last year when pictures emerged of winner Kim Yu-Mi(2012年韓國小姐金宥美) before she had undergone plastic surgery, with many claiming that cosmetic procedures give contestants an unfair advantage整形過才來參選,對其他的參賽者而言不公平.

The student revealed her plastic surgery secret after photos emerged of her looking very different at school, but she said she hadn't misled(mislead的過去式,意思為誤導) anyone.
But she defended her crown telling the Korean media韓國媒體: 'I never said I was born beautiful.'

South Koreans have more plastic surgery than any other nation according to figures released in January. Those in the Asian country have more treatments per members of the population, with one in every 77 turning to the knife or needle修修臉.

The figures, from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS)國際美容整形外科醫學會, show that in 2011, 15 million people across the globe turned to plastic surgery to enhance their looks讓外觀變得更美.

While the popularity of cosmetic surgery in South Korea may come as a surprise to many, the industry there is in fact booming整型業發展蓬勃,一片欣欣向榮. Last year, 20 per cent of women aged 19 to 49 in the capital city of Seoul admitted to going under the knife. One of the most popular surgical procedures is double eyelid surgery雙眼皮手術 - which reduces excess skin in the upper eyelid上眼皮 to make the eyes appear bigger and make them look more 'Western'.

It is believed that the rise of the country's music industry is behind the boom, and many patients visit clinics with photos of celebrities, asking surgeons to emulate模仿 American noses or eyes.

Singer PSY, whose song 'Gangnam Style' became a global hit, said his record label 唱片公司had urged him to get plastic surgery.就連江南大叔也曾被要求整形


1.     Reddit user HotBrownie, who claims to hail from Seoul來自韓國, said: : 

'Those women in fact do look unnervingly令人感到不安的(超毛的) similar and yes, Koreans think so too.

2.     'This is called the Korean plastic face look. In certain areas of Seoul, you would think all the women are sisters because they look so similar due to same surgeries.’

3.     'Without the plastic surgery, Korean women are very diverse looking and easily can be told apart.
4.     'Girls here consider eye surgery just like using make up. '

But others on the social networking site said that all the pictures served to prove was that there is a 'cultural divide文化差異' between the east and west in terms of plastic surgery.

HerpDerpDrone commented: 'Western women want to exaggerate their features with plastic surgeries (fuller lips, bigger boobs, bigger butts) while Asian women want to refine their features (smaller chins尖下巴/鵝蛋臉 etc) so there is definitely a cultural divide when it comes to plastic surgery.'




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