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托福的生物學主題裡面,有很多講human interference對大自然所造成的危害,現在大蟒蛇在佛州某些地帶到處橫行,搞得人心惶惶。之前有爬蟲專家herpetologist跳出來說大家反應過度了,美國政府干預蟒蛇進口實在太無聊,但是有些人怕如果不管制,將未來蟒蛇肆虐,搞不好連人都會被吞進去。






上圖是白化緬甸巨蟒 Albino Burmese Python。



Will Florida Pythons Slither To Rest Of The U.S.?

You are listening to ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News.
Should the federal government be in the business of banning exotic snakes? Take Burmese pythons, for instance. The threat they pose to the Everglades is well documented. Pythons have been breeding in South Florida since the 1990s, and some studies have indicated they're spreading. Concerns that pythons could move into other states led to a nationwide prohibition on their importation and sale. But as NPR's Greg Allen reports from Miami, some researchers now argue that such a far-reaching ban was unnecessary.
GREG ALLEN, BYLINE: There are several ______________ snake species that have become a problem in the Everglades, but for wildlife managers, the biggest _____________ is the Burmese python.
UNIDENTIFIED MAN: (Groan) P-52 folks, and she's __________ and _____________.
ALLEN: Earlier this year, researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey captured the largest Burmese python yet in Everglades National Park. In a videotape, three USGS staffers wrestle the snake out of a plastic crate to measure it.
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Wow. You're having to use all your muscle, aren't you?
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: To hold her head.
UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Yeah. And she's still stronger than me.
UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Do you know where her...
ALLEN: This snake was __________ feet, seven inches long and a female carrying ______ eggs. Wildlife managers are working to get a handle on the problem of exotic snakes in South Florida, but the snakes have already made a ____________. One study suggests in Everglades National Park pythons have reduced the population of raccoon, possums, deer and other mammal species by ____________ percent. To help combat the problem, the federal government earlier this year banned _______________ and sale of Burmese pythons. A study several years ago by USGS found pythons could potentially spread up the _________________ and west to California. But Elliott Jacobson, an emeritus professor of zoological medicine at the University of Florida, says a new study questions how far beyond South Florida pythons could spread.
ELLIOTT JACOBSON: These maps give a very false sense of distribution.
ALLEN: In a study published in the journal Integrative Zoology, Jacobson and other researchers looked closely at the low and high temperatures found along the East Coast in the python's projected ____________ range. Freezing temperatures are deadly for pythons.
JACOBSON: The bottom-line conclusion was the number of ______________ in the winter is going to limit the ability of this animal to spread beyond extreme South Florida.
ALLEN: Jacobson says this new information shows the federal government overreacted when it imposed a _____________ on a species that's a problem just in Florida. Brady Barr agrees. He's resident herpetologist with the National Geographic Society. He says the new study shows something he and other researchers have maintained for some time that Burmese pythons can't ___________ far beyond Florida's three southern-most counties. Barr says that's because, unlike _____________, pythons can't tolerate __________ and they lack the ____________ to hibernate.
BRADY BARR: They don't have the innate ability to find hibernacula, to find places to hide or to be warm. They just - they don't know how to do that.
ALLEN: That question - whether snakes from _____________ climates like pythons may take measures to ___________ to the cold - is one that divides herpetologists. Gordon Rodda, now retired from USGS, helped write the report showing pythons could potentially spread throughout the southeast U.S. He says there's _____________ in this new report to change his ____________.
GORDON RODDA: We know that Burmese pythons in the more high-altitude portions of their range do, in fact, hibernate. The question then is, how do they acquire that behavior to do so?
ALLEN: Later this week, this is a question that may come up in Congress. A House committee is holding a _________________ on whether to extend the ban on Burmese pythons to other exotic snake species. Greg Allen, NPR News, Miami.


  1. hi i like this blog , i study enhlish here , can u post the answer of the question

  2. hi花豹

    I gave the answer sheet to my students already. I soon deleted the post after the previous session had come to an end. If you're interested in reading this artilce, plesse check out
    and good luck.
    Also I will upload the answer sheet next week, so if you want the "walk through" version, wait a few days. I realized that there might be more people out there who would like to have access to my version on this topic so i'll upload the article again.





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