New from NPR Bug diet!全球糧荒有解!吃蟲就行了

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Heard on Morning Edition
April 11, 2012 - STEVE INSKEEP, HOST:
The European Union歐盟 is investing more than $4 million to research the use of insects as a protein source蛋白質來源 for humans.
Teri Schultz traveled to the Netherlands荷蘭, where the Dutch荷蘭人 appear to be ahead of the curve on bug dining.
TERI SCHULTZ, BYLINE: Diners用餐者 who merely flit over快速的翻頁 the menu at this Dutch restaurant are sometimes shocked when their plate arrives. Owner Mark Cashoek chuckles咯咯笑.
MARK CASHOEK: They just read the first two things of the whole sentence and then the last word is actually the insect crumble將蟲子絞碎(好比絞肉一般).
SCHULTZ: Insect crumble. Who would want to see crumbled insects on their plate next to the antelope quiche羚羊肉鹹派? Evidently, the hundreds of people who swarmed to蜂擁而至 Cashoek's Specktakel restaurant in Haarlem哈倫(荷蘭西部一個城市), the Netherlands last month to partake in參加 two special bug buffets蟲蟲自助餐, both sold out.
MICHIEL DEN HARTOGH HEAD CHEF, SPECKTAKEL: (Foreign language spoken) The crispy cricket酥炸蟋蟀...
SCHULTZ: Specktakel's head chef Michiel den Hartoghs is in the kitchen assembling the crispy cricket concoction調製餐點(通常是混合很多食材與香料製成醬汁或是以特殊手法烹調) with the special care due any delicacy.這樣的做法就好比烹飪任何美味佳餚一樣用心
SPECKTAKEL: So I put the curried mayonnaise咖哩風味的美乃滋 on the plate and I put the crocodile pie鱷魚肉派 on it, and then...
SPECKTAKEL: We put the fried crickets.
SCHULTZ: den Hartoghs is not above sampling不嚐味道 as he cooks...
SCHULTZ: ...nor inducing勸誘某人去做某事 me(也不勸我去嚐一口), a lifelong vegetarian從小吃素 never more devout虔誠的 than at this very moment這句話是說,記者本身就是吃素的,現在看到蟲子大餐,更加深了吃素的決心, to reluctantly intensify my research 卻還要採訪這則新聞還真是辛苦 for this story.
SPECKTAKEL: Just eat it.
SCHULTZ: The dishes receive rave reviews佳評如潮 throughout the packed restaurant. Biologist Twan Leiyzer is enthusiastic about every course每一道菜都超愛, capped by the dessert最後壓軸是甜點, warm cake蚯蚓蛋糕 - that's worm cake - with candied worm裹上糖汁的蚯蚓 topping.
How is it?
TWAN LEIYZER: Yeah, it's really nice.
SCHULTZ: Can you feel the bugs?
LEIYZER: Mm-hmm. Of course and it tastes very good.
SCHULTZ: Enjoying a boys' night out男人群聚把酒言歡的場合 is a table of exterminators驅蟲師 who have a wee bit of trouble口語的說法,意思是有點 leaving behind their day jobs這句話的意思是,驅蟲人員下了班之後繼續吃蟲,似乎對工作難以忘情(記者的幽默).
UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: What, he's still moving?
SCHULTZ: Cashoek says he doesn't want Specktakel to be known as just the bug restaurant but does keep one insect item on the menu at all times and he admits the special all-insect evening gets him lots of buzz精彩刺激,聲名大噪, and its customers too連上門的食客都異常興奮.
CASHOEK: It is the fear factor恐懼因素 and it is the gimmick噱頭 that they'd try something like that.
SCHULTZ: Not to mention pay more than $70 per plate for the privilege.
An hour east of Haarlem at Wageningen University, scientists are taking exactly the opposite approach, trying to make eating insects less exotic讓吃蟲變得更正常,而非新奇的事情, more normal and cheaper as a food source.
SCHULTZ: Ph.D. student Dennis Oonincx is checking out his mealworms living in the cricket lab. Oonincx says his research into how the worms metabolize新陳代謝 even a waste product diet飼養蟲子比較環保,不會造成環境的問題(比飼養牛養更好) shows how superior優秀的insects are as a protein source, better than beef cattle or sheep牛羊肉.
DENNIS OONINCX: You can produce more food for people with less input所費較少,也較不浪費資源, it's good food and it's better for the environment.
SCHULTZ: Dr. Arnold van Huis, head of Wageningen's entomology昆蟲學department, is one of the world's premier experts世界頂尖(一流)in entomophagy昆蟲食專家, eating insects. He believes the rising price of meat will help change diets.
DR. ARNOLD VAN HUIS: If your Big Mac is going to cost about $100 and your Bug Mac is going to cost only $4, people will change to a Bug Mac.
SCHULTZ: Van Huis says the challenge is to make it delicious. That's where Marian Peters comes in. For years she's been active in活躍於 bring edible insects可食用的昆蟲 to consumers' tables. And Peters says the first commercially-available bug sandwich三明治或是任何兩片麵包夾起來的東西 will be out soon, a wrap包捲著 filled with insects and peas.
MARIAN PETERS: People liked it. Ninety percent want to have it on their daily menu in the restaurants, and now we're up-scaling提升 the production and bring that to the market.
SCHULTZ: But back at Specktakel restaurant, Gerard van Dyck isn't quite satisfied with his dinner. He's complaining about the worms - the lack of worms.
GERARD VAN DYCK: But you don't see the worms in it. It's just a little bit of worm.
SCHULTZ: Wait. Waiter, waiter, there's not enough fly in my soup?
For NPR News I'm Teri Schultz.


  1. 老師:
    請教一下,第七段的最後一小部分:with the special care due any delicacy.


  2. 回答你的問題:

    due 通常會跟to 放在一起使用,意思是"到期的"或是"應給"的,或是"由於/因為"

    所以with the special care due any delicacy.

  3. 吃素真的很好 對待事物都比較有慈悲心 支持老師 我也吃10幾年囉:)

  4. Dear Evelyn,

    Good for you! Eating veggies is surely the only way to safe the world right now!吃素好,請繼續努力。給你按一個讚!


  5. Opps, sorry for the typo! it's save not safe...





Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

Vegan 跟 vegetarian 其實不同派。關於各種「飲食派」的英文,這篇全介紹!吃素好處多,吃素可以救地球!

