我很大隻,但是我很溫柔!壯媽渴望第二春!Female bodybuilder struggles with love

日前不經意在英國版(或是澳洲版?)的雅虎新聞上,看到了這一則報導。Rene Campell跟我一樣屬於猩族(就是壯妹),所以抱著「猩猩相惜」的心態讀了一些跟她有關的故事。


報導中數度以hooked on與addicted to這類的沈溺字眼形容Rene對健美的迷戀。獲得英國女子健美大賽冠軍的Rene表示,這樣的壯碩體格很像希臘天神,充滿力與美!而且誓言體重不達130公斤絕不停止健身。一天攝取熱量達4200卡的她,能吃也能將吃進去的東西轉化成肌肉,實在是太不簡單了。接下來就請同學來欣賞這篇文章吧!

Female bodybuilder struggles with love

A 35-year-old female bodybuilder believes her muscles have prevented her from finding love.
British woman Rene Campbell said most men were not attracted to her 85kg muscular physique - the girth of her thighs is 66cm大腿周長66公分 and her shoulders are a UK size 18 (Australian size 20).(肩膀應該接近六十公分寬)
"Ms Campbell ... works out intensively激烈的健身 for two hours a day and sticks to嚴守 a strict meal plan, which sees her eating seven chicken breasts and consuming 4200 calories in the space of little more than 12 hours," The Daily Mail reported.
According to Ms Campbell, who has two sons from a former marriage前一段婚姻, she has been single for nearly a decade because men are turned off不喜歡 by her "regimented lifestyle"嚴苛的飲食與健康生活.
She loves her body and "can't ever imagine being thin again".
"I'd love a boyfriend who could cheer me on at competitions在我參加健美小姐比賽時逗我開心 and cook my chicken for me, but the way I look does make it harder to meet men," she said.
"I was dating two years ago, but the guy struggled with the fact that I had to put my training first."

'I'm a Bigorexic': Champion female bodybuilder is hooked on沉溺於 working out健美運動... and won't stop until she weighs 20 STONE

1 stone=6.35kilogram

By Maysa Rawi

A mother-of-two who was once a
petite size 8 (petite為法文的小字,通常petite是比正常人尺寸更小的size,因此一個petite size 8的女性可能只有五十公斤) has become so addicted to bodybuilding沉溺於健身 she says she won't stop until she hits 20 stone.(也就是說,體重不到130公斤不會滿意)
Rene Campbell, a British national champion who currently weighs 13.st5lb, works out for two hours a day, five times a week.
The 35-year-old self-confessed 'Bigorexic'沉迷於當一個大隻佬的女性 also consumes 4,200 calories a day in the form of chicken, rice and vegetables
Bigorexic 這個字跟 anorexic很像,不過這是個新創的字,意思就是非常大隻的意思。Anorexic則是得了厭食症一般瘦巴巴的紙片人

The divorced mother離了婚的單親媽媽, who has size 18 shoulders, has been training for four years.
Rene told The Sun英國太陽報(知名的八卦報): 'I won't stop until I'm bigger.
'I look at the 20-stone guys in the gym and think I want to be that big. I love the muscular aesthetic超熱愛大肌肉的美感 - looking like a Greek God看起來像是個希臘的天神. It's a form of art肌肉是一種藝術.'
Rene was no stranger to不陌生 sports but after years of long distance running長跑 and triathlons鐵人三項, she took up bodybuilding as a new challenge - and went on to take part in eight competitions.
She recently came first place (這邊的come過去式cameget獲得的意思是一樣的。你可以說I came first place in the music competition) in the UKBFF British Finals英國健美大賽決選中奪冠.
On her website, Rene wrote: 'I reasoned with myself我試著跟自己講道理(說服自己) that if I didn't like it I could walk away.
'I was tired of the hours of cardio這邊指的是過去不斷從事的心肺運動(如長跑) each day and wanted a new challenge.
'I won my first competition and was bitten by the bug這不是說真的被蟲咬了,而是說馬上就像中了邪似的愛上了某種感覺或是事物 and have now come to thoroughly love the bodybuilding lifestyle.
'I am always pushing forward, believing in myself and never giving up.
'I learn from every experience that presents itself每一個在我面前出現的機會 and gain strength from it. I've been very lucky to have wonderful role models好榜樣 around me who have taught me valuable life lessons and enriched my life.
'I’ve been blessed with我非常幸運地能有 two beautiful boys who make me realise just how precious life is.'




Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

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