情人節學情話!Be Mine! Valentine's Day Messages. 情話綿綿不嫌多,用英文告白更有梗.....


  • If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.

  • We come to love not by finding that perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
老夫老妻專用 - 真愛就是折磨你久一點

  • Love is the only wealth that grows with giving, and my darling, I am the richest man on earth because I have the wealth of your love.

  • Love knows no limit
    Love knows no cause
    I just want you to be mine
    And I will be yours.

  • I am in love for sure
    because every time I see you,
    I yearn to love you more.

to put up with 就是忍受的意思

  • Love is the one special feeling which can make you smile when you are in deep pain. It gives you the strength to fight against the odds.

  • Love is when the happiness of the other person makes you most happy. When their success matters most to you.
限制級卡片,順便學under & on top of 介係詞正確用法

  • Love helps you look at the bright side of life. You smile at the thought of the special one when you are alone.

  • Love me so that I can love you more.

  • Take some time to smile,
    Rest when you are tired
    Love makes life worth living
    It fills it with desire.

  • If you ask me why I love you so much then I have no reason. But then love doesn’t require a reason. It simply happens.

  • I know I will recognize the face of the angel when I die because his face will match yours.

  • My love is a journey that starts with forever and ends at never. I will always love you my darling.

  • No matter how much we try, we just can’t stop our hearts from loving.

  • The way you look into my eyes, It scares me
    The way you say "I love you", It scares me
    The way you know just what to say, It scares me
    The ways you scare me, I love it
    You tripped me, so I fell for you.

  • Good days come often, Bad days do too, but the best days only come when I'm with you.

  • Let these words not only touch your eyes, let them travel through your soul and let them rest in your heart as you rest in mine. I love you.

  • In case you didn't know, I'll be loving you always and forever!

  • Words alone will never be able to express the depth of my love for you.

  • If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?

  • I will love you until my heart stops beating.
  • Each time I miss you a star falls from the sky, So if you look up at the night sky and find it dark with no stars, it’s all your fault, you made me miss you too much.
  • I wish I was your blanket, I wish I was your bed, I wish I was your pillow underneath your head, I want to be around you, I want to hold you tight, and be the lucky person who kisses you goodnight.


  1. i can see a lot of goose bumps...LOL thanks for sharing!

  2. 回覆
    1. Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

    2. Thank you! What present did you get from your husband?

    3. Ah, we don't celebrate Valentine's day. No gifts whatsoever.

    4. the best present i think it's company.





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