時代雜誌選讀From TIME 七十多歲還是一尾活龍的A片老男優! 看這篇文章還可學會熊市與牛市的典故,And learn all about the birds and bees性教育外一章



So talk to your parents tonight, if you haven't already. Tell them you want to learn all about the birds and bees. 對啊,性教育的英文就是所有關於鳥跟蜜蜂的事


熟齡色情 有市場 日最老AV阿公走紅
2009-03-17 中國時報 【林家群/法新社東京十六日電】

但自從成為日本最資深AV男優後,他已成「熟齡色情」(mature porn)的話題人物。





Japan's Booming Sex Niche: Elder Porn
By Michiko Toyama

Besides his glowing complexion, Shigeo Tokuda德田重男 looks like any other 74-year-old man in Japan. Despite suffering a heart attack得過心臟病 three years ago, the lifelong salaryman擁有正職與穩定收入的人 now feels healthier and lives happily with his wife and a daughter in downtown Tokyo. He is, of course, more physically active than most retirees此人的體力與活力較其他退休老頭要來得好很多, but that's because he's kept his part-time job — as a porn star 因為這個人有個不為人知的副業,那就當一個A片男優.

picture from filmseriale.info.
Shigeo Tokuda is, in fact, his screen name藝名. He prefers not to disclose his real name表達不願意透露真實姓名 because, he insists, his wife and daughter have no idea that he has appeared in about 350 films over the past 14 years.因為他的妻小不曉得過去14年來,他已經主演過將近350A And in his double life兩種截然不同的生活, Tokuda embodies the contemporary state of Japan's sexuality這位老人男優體現了日本這個國家的目前的性態度與狀態. In surveys conducted by organizations ranging from the World Health Organization to the condom maker Durex世界保險套知名大廠, Japan is repeatedly found to be one of the most sexless societies in the industrialized world根據研究顯示,日本是全球工業國家中,排名第一的無性社會

A WHO report released in March found that 1 in 4 married couples in Japan had not made love in the previous year在日本,每四對夫妻中,就有一對夫妻一年都沒有一次性行為, while 38% of couples in their 50s no longer had sex at all.五十歲以上的夫婦,有38%沒有性生活 Those figures were attributed to the stresses of Japanese working life因為工作壓力導致. Yet at the same time, the country has seen a surge in demand for需求浪激增 pornography that has turned adult videos成人錄影帶(就是台灣人說的A) into a billion-dollar industry, with "elder porn" one of its fastest-growing genres老人A片是色情工業中成長最快速的影片類別之一
Tokuda is rare罕見的 among Japanese porn stars in that his name has become a brand他的名字早就已經成為一種商標. The Shigeo Tokuda series以他為名的老人A片系列 he has just completed portrays him as a tactful elderly gentleman who instructs women of different ages in the erotic arts,在片中,他被描繪成是一個精通性愛的紳士,能夠指導各年齡層的女性去探索自己的性需求 and he boasts a body of work far more impressive than that of most actors in their prime. 這位老男優還誇口說自己的表現比其他年輕的男優要來得更好

Tokuda's exploits功績 have proved to be a gold mine金雞母(能使公司大發利市的賺錢工具) for Glory Quest, which first launched an "old man" series, Maniac Training of Lolitas, in December 2004. Its popularity led the company to follow up with Forbidden Elderly Care, starring Tokuda, in August 2006. Other series followed, and soon elder porn revealed itself as a sustainable revenue stream for the industry銷售穩定成長,使發行老人A片的公司賺了大錢. "The adult-video industry is very competitive," says Glory Quest p.r. representative Kayoko Iimura. "If we only make standard fare這邊指的是一般的A, we cannot beat other studios. There were already adult videos with Lolitas or themes of incest,蘿莉塔系列的A片是日本色情片中非常重要的一個主題,通常都是描繪非常年輕的女孩,凸顯亂倫incest的情節 so we wanted to make something new. A relationship between wife and an old father-in-law has enough twist很有梗(轉折) to create an atmosphere of mystery and captivate viewers' hearts."擄獲觀眾的心

Director Gaichi Kono says the eroticism of elders老年人的情欲 is captivating to younger viewers(年輕人對於老年人的情欲世界很感興趣). "I think that, as a subject, there is this something that only an older generation has and the young people do not possess. It is because they lived that much more. We should respect them and learn from them," he says passionately.

But Tokuda stresses the appeal of his work to an audience of his peers: "Elderly people don't identify with school dramas, "校園為主的A片劇情 he says. "It's easier for them to relate to 此指了解older-men-and-daughters-in-law series, so they tend to watch adult videos with older people in them." The veteran資深的 porn star plans to keep working until he's 80 or older, as long as the industry will cast him. Given the bullish market for his stardom成為知名演員, he's unlikely to go without work. (這邊記者用了牛市這種財經用語來形容日本A片工業的欣欣向榮。牛市之所以被稱之為牛市,是因為牛在撞擊的時候會用牛角往上頂(up 表示好),熊在抓樹的時候則會往下抓(down就是不好),因而被比喻成萎靡不振的意思。)老人A片男優在日本奇貨可居,加上影片銷售數字不壞,因此這個老人打算一直演到八十歲,未來可以預期的是,他將會非常忙碌。
"People of my age generally have shame, so they are very hesitant to show their private parts," Tokuda says. "But I am proud of myself doing something they cannot." Still, he says, laughing, "that doesn't mean that I can tell them about my old-age pensioner job."過去所服務的工作

Japan's adult-video industry is believed to be worth as much as $1 billion a year, according to industry insiders, with the largest video-store chain Tsutaya releasing about 1,000 new titles monthly每個月A片的發行量是一千支, while the mega adult-mail-order site DMM這是個發行A片的官網 releases about 2,000 titles each month. Although films featuring women in their teens and 20s are the mainstay主要的收入來源 of the industry, a trend toward mature women has become evident over the past five years. Currently, about 300 of the 1,000 adult videos on offer at Tsutaya, and 400 out of the 2,000 at DMM, feature mature women.

Ryuichi Kadowaki, director of Ruby Inc., which specializes in mature-women titles這裡的意思是影片, says when the company started offering the genre種類/類別 a few years ago, the term referred to actresses in their late 20s, and last year it was expanded to those in their 70s. The company believes the advantage of mature titles is their enduring appeal."比較經得起市場考驗Adult videos with young actresses sell well only in the first three months after the release," 年輕女優的影片只有發行後三個月之內能創銷售佳績   Kadowaki explains. "On the other hand, mature-women films enjoy a steady, long-term popularity, which after 10 years or so might lead to a best seller."以熟女或老女人為主的A片則不會有新鮮感不再的問題,有時候過了十年還能成為暢銷片 

And then there are the cost savings. A popular young actress can earn up to $100,000 per film, while a mature actress is paid only $2,000. 另外,年輕A片女優的片酬也高,當紅的女星一片可獲得最多達十萬美金的酬勞(近三百萬)不過熟女或是老A女優拍一片只有六千美元的行情(約台幣六萬元)

The market for elder porn has doubled成長了兩倍之多 over the past decade, according to Kadowaki. "In view of [Japan's] aging society," he adds, "I think that in the future, we will see a steady increase in demand." 原因可能跟日本的人口老化也有關係




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