自體脂肪移植 Sculpting The Body With Recycled Fat


From NPR

This is MORNING EDITION from NPR News. I'm Renee Montagne.
And I'm Steve Inskeep. Good morning. In Your Health today, we'll report on two ways to improve what nature老天(天生的) gave you. In a moment, we'll hear about risky silicone injections 矽膠注射for wrinkles. First, a cosmetic surgery 整型手術technique to transfer fat from one part of the body to another. NPR's Allison Aubrey reports.
ALLISON AUBREY: If you've never thought of body fat as a precious resource珍貴的資源, well, it's likely you've never met surgeon David Broadway. He's an early adopter搶先使用 of a technique that aims to redistribute 重新分布fat. Think of it as the Robin Hood 俠盜羅賓漢approach to plastic surgery, taking from the fat-rich parts of the body and giving to the poor, or the just modestly endowed豐滿的. (Modestly endowed就是指平胸)
Dr. DAVID BROADWAY (Plastic Surgeon): Well, I've been doing fat transfer to multiple areas for quite some time. We've been using it in combination with a liposuction technique that we've described as high-definition liposuction. 3D抽脂And rather than simply discard the fat, we'll take that fat and inject it into the breast area.
AUBREY: This quick-fix concept may have a made-in-America ring to it, but it turns out most early pioneers are in Japan and Europe. And what they've learned is that recycling fat回收脂肪 is no simple task. The process of extracting it from the body can damage the fat. And once it's injected back in it doesn't always get the blood supply it needs, so some of the fat doesn't survive.
Dr. BROADWAY: Well, usually we'll get about 40 to 80 percent of the fat to take.
AUBREY: It's a big variable there, 40 to 80...
Dr. BROADWAY: It is a variable. That's one of the disadvantages. You're not entirely sure what the end result will be.
AUBREY: Patient Christina Stone opted for 選擇the surgery two years ago. She says she wanted larger breasts, but she'd been hesitant about implants.
Ms. CHRISTINA STONE: I knew going in that there was no guarantee, but I was very interested in the fact I wasn't going to have, you know, silicone or anything in my body.
AUBREY: The plan was to take fat from her thighs and abdomen and inject a lot of it, more than she needed, into her breasts, knowing that some of it wouldn't take.
Ms. STONE: They had warned me, you know, when you wake up, don't be shocked, because they're going to be a lot bigger than you want them to be.
AUBREY: But she says the moment the anesthesia wore off, her expectations of adding two cups兩個罩杯 to her bra size were dashed 粉碎.
Ms. STONE: So immediately, I looked down and I didn't see any difference. I mean, a little.
AUBREY: That must've been really disappointing for you.
Ms. STONE: It was. You know, I was pretty, you know, sad about it.
AUBREY: Stone later had a second surgery to get implants, and she says she's happy with the results. But her surgeon, Dr. Scott Spear, says he wants to know more. He explains until recently fat transfers were mainly performed as reconstructive surgeries - for instance, in breast cancer patients after a mastectomy. 乳房切除手術
Dr. SCOTT SPEAR (Plastic Surgeon): In the reconstruction patients, I think it's pretty well agreed it has real value. But for pure breast enlargement, 隆乳I think we're just at the beginning of the learning curve學習曲線 on that.
AUBREY: Spear is heading up a clinical trial to help answer some questions, such as: What's the best way to perform the procedure, and what are the risks? One concern has been calcifications鈣化 in the breast tissue that appear after the procedure, which could make it harder to detect breast cancer if a woman were to develop it down the line. And another question is: Could putting fat into the breast stimulate刺激 development of disease?
Dr. JOHN MILLARD (Surgeon): There's always been a question with regard to 關於fat in the female breast. And, you know, it's unanswered.
AUBREY: That's surgeon John Millard of Lone Tree, Colorado. He says clinical trials will be helpful. For now, he says, he's very comfortable with the results he's seeing using fat transfers to re-sculpt  重新雕塑many other parts of the body. For instance, he's pioneered a technique to beef up men's pecs by injecting fat right into these chest muscles.
Dr. MILLARD: I like to describe the augmentation of the male pectoralis大胸肌. We're taking a piece of filet mignon菲力牛排 and sort of turning it into Kobe神戶牛排 beef. We're actually putting fat into the muscle.
AUBREY: And according to Millard's patient Brad Hamilton, who's had the procedure, it works.
Mr. BRAD HAMILTON: You know, it looks like you've been working out for years.
AUBREY: I guess to me, I'm confused by that because I think about shooting fat into the muscle, you'd think that you'd get sort of a fatty look up top. But what you're saying is you look more muscular.
Mr. HAMILTON: Yeah, it actually defines and enhances your muscle. 能夠強化且美化肌肉線條
AUBREY: Hamilton says he knows it's early days for these procedures. There are no long-term studies and no guarantees that the results will last. But he says at 45, as gravity pulls, he's pushing back.最後一句話的意思是要對抗地心引力
Allison Aubrey, NPR News.

Hi definition liposuction VASER LipoSelection® 超聲波抽脂〈Ultrasonic liposuction〉的原理是利用高頻超聲波聚焦能量去將脂肪細胞破壞乳化成液體,然後再經抽脂機產生的真空抽出。最新的第三代超聲波抽脂機 Vaser 系統所強調的 ‘Liposelection’,是指除了可減少抽脂所做成的創傷和手術後瘀腫情況外,還可提升對比較硬的纖維脂肪的療效和更有效收緊抽脂部位的皮膚




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