時事英文,這樣學記得牢!海嘯般的需求,讓快篩供不應求,美國一月的時候也面臨過類似問題。A tsunami of demand hits as the government prepares for testing mandates.
這讓教練想起,今年一月的時候,閱讀美國各媒體的報導,當時美國紐約市也曾面臨相同問題,因為確診人數過多,許多民眾需要家用快篩確定是否能符合上班上課的規定,報導中用了海嘯這個字來形容需求量之大(a tsunami of demand),教練覺得這樣的描述很傳神,所以今天特地來分享一些跟快篩劑還有疫情相關的英文,透過時事加深印象,這樣學英文會記得更牢。
首先就是快篩劑的英文。美國那邊比較常用的是At-home Covid test kit. 因為強調家用,所以有了at-home這樣的字眼。當然也可以說rapid test kit,就是中文的快篩。
- Rapid at-home Covid-19 tests are hard to come by一劑難求 in omicron hot spots, 疫情爆發的熱點with pharmacists 藥局selling out shipments before they arrive. 貨還沒上架就賣光了
- 關於供不應求的英文,教練想起多年前讀TIME雜誌時,有一個很棒的句子,至今都沒有忘記。
- The demand continues to humiliate supply. 直白的翻譯就是,需求持續羞辱供貨。
- The demand exceeds the supply. 或是 the demand does not meet the supply.
- Companies that sell tests say material shortages 物料短缺and logistics 物流are contributing to the supply crunch.供應緊縮
- 這句講到缺貨(供應緊縮)的理由,是物料短缺,加上物流來不及因應的緣故。原物料的英文則是raw materials.
- Drugstores struggle to keep at-home tests in stock as omicron rages across the country.
to rage on這裡很接近中文的延燒,大家可以學起來。
- Infections has reached an all-time-high,創新高 driven largely by the highly contagious omicron variant. 因為omicron變種株高傳染性的關係,導致確診數量創新高。
- 很多人買快篩是為了要符合企業或機構的規範,英文可以說to comply with corporate or governmant testing mandates.
- Test makers 快篩劑製造商are trying to ramp up production 加速生產 to meet the demand.