我們的故宮有翠玉白菜,那荷蘭的藝術國寶是哪個?NPR告訴你什麼是The Dutch Mona Lisa。今天先上傳下周的NPR,周末無聊的同學可以超前進度來聽一下。
Vermeer這位畫家,托福曾經考過。 這位舉世聞名的荷蘭繪畫大師級人物,無論如何都要稍微了解一下。 |
Vermeer維梅爾風潮歷久不衰,大家好奇為何這幅畫會被稱之為The Dutch Mona Lisa?原因很簡單,因為這幅畫中跟蒙娜麗莎象一樣,都是肖像畫,這幅畫中的女性,也跟達文西筆下的女子一樣,至今無法被驗明正身,史學家對於此女是誰眾說紛紜,神祕感讓這幅畫知名度暴增。Vermeer畫中的女子沒有名字,就連畫名也叫做「戴著珍珠耳環的少女」。反正真相早已經隨著歲月流逝被淹沒,粉絲只好運用拼湊的歷史片段與想像力各自表述囉。
Making up a history
for the "Dutch Mona Lisa"
The mysterious identity謎樣的身分 of the subject of
Johannes Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring has inspired many interpretations詮釋 as to who she was, including a bestselling novel by Tracy Chevalier that
was adapted into a film. "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" - the painting - is back in the United States
for the first time since l995. It's now at San Francisco 's De Young
museum. And in honor
of 向…致敬the painting's return
visit, The Guardian英國的衛報 newspaper asked
readers to supply their own story of the painting. The paper has just posted
its 25 favorite stories online. And the
Guardian's Ruth Spencer joins us to talk about what kind of response they got. Welcome to the program,
RUTH SPENCER: Thank you, Rachel. Thanks for having
MARTIN: So, did you get a lot of submissions投稿/投書 and were there any
kind of common threads雷同或是類似的留言 from readers?
SPENCER: We did get a lot of submissions from all
over the world. Some people wrote from the perspective of
the girl從女孩的角度. Others wrote from Vermeer's perspective. We asked readers to really go wild in their imaginations盡情發揮想像力.
MARTIN: So, what were some of your personal favorites自己最喜歡的?
SPENCER: Well, I brought a couple of excerpts摘錄 today here actually that I could read from. And this one is from Simon
Fox: (Reading) Vermeer is lauded as讚頌 a great painter in
his region and enjoys the fruits of his labor心血結晶. However, he always insists on working in isolation, sometimes for months at a time. His wealthy wife believes he is having an affair and dispatches a young
woman to become his muse繆思 in the hope of trapping控制/困住 him. But the young woman is also a
painter and, not wanting to become famous, is using Vermeer as her stooge幫手. The girl with the pearl earring is in fact a self-portrait.
MARTIN: Ooh. Twist出人意料的 ending結局. I like that one. Any of these particularly comical, funny interpretations?
SPENCER: Yep, definitely. This one from Steven
Taylor: (Reading) As the man responsible for the marketing
strategy行銷策略 at the Pearl Earring Company, it was my responsibility to come up with想出一些 something more alluring更誘人的 than the poem by Carol Ann Duffy we'd been hoping to use. Vermeer's
painting seemed the perfect fit看來最適合不過的了. It's just a pity
that the company went bust倒了/關閉了 before our logo could be added to the top right of the painting. It makes a mockery of commerce這樣的組合是對商業的一種嘲諷. We got the
girl through the Nathaniel Hawthorne Scarlet Letter
Agency. No mystery
there, unfortunately.
MARTIN: Very clever. What do you think is the root of
this fascination?
SPENCER: Well, I think, you know, the mystery is part of the allure神祕感正是誘人之處. You look at her, you read the
novel, you can even watch the movie and you might think that you know the story of the girl. But you never really do.
You know, that's really what continues to feed our desire撩撥起慾望 to see this portrait.
MARTIN: Ruth Spencer is the community coordinator for
the Guardian's U.S.
digital newsroom. Ruth, thanks so much for talking with us.
SPENCER: Thank you. Thanks so much.
MARTIN: For more on the Guardian's Vermeer contest,
go to our website at npr.org.
The Scarlet Letter
一位出生於英格蘭的年輕美麗女孩Hester Prynne,年輕時嫁給一位年老的醫生、同時也是學者Roger
Chillingworth。當時是英國人移民新大陸的熱潮,Chillingworth決定定居到美國波士頓。他讓妻子Hester先行出發,老醫生兩年後才前往美國會合。不過Hester獨自前往美國後卻和另外一名男子發生戀情,並生下女兒Pearl。按照當時清教徒的法律,犯通姦罪Adultery要在胸前佩帶紅A字。Hester為了愛孤苦頑強地活著,靠著刺繡維生。之後某日Chillingworth在替牧師Arthur Dimmesdale治病時,意外發現Dimmesdale就是與海斯特通姦之人,憤怒與忌妒之心,讓他想置牧師於死地。牧師因為不倫戀,內心飽受折磨,更為自己的偽善感到厭惡。終於在七年的精神折磨之後,於一次新市長就職盛大典禮上,他向世人坦承所犯的罪,隨即氣絕死在情人Hester懷裡。事後Hester帶著Pearl遠走他鄉。幾年後Pearl長大成人並出嫁。Hester再度回到波士頓,不過儘管已經事過境遷,她的胸前仍舊帶著那個紅色的A字,並將那原本象徵著通姦的紅字變成道德、光榮的象徵,一直到她老死。