喵皇在越南 - 看完這篇不想養貓的不是人。祝大家端午節愉快!(教練減肥有成,已戒了粽子)

Cho (上圖這隻貓的名字),幫魚販顧魚攤的可愛模樣融化人心。
Cho 穿的那套黃袍衣,教練在淘寶上有看過在賣。
You'd think a cat would easily steal fish at the sight of it, but not this latest social media sensation. Instead of taking fish away, Cho from Vietnam is actually minding the seafood stall for his owner. 

  • a social media sensation 社群媒體紅喵
  • to mind the stall 顧攤位

Cho's emperor costume is the ultimate attention-grabber. What's more interesting is that this cat has a funny name for a cat. Cho in Vietnamese actually means "dog."
According to his owner, Cho has the personality of a dog

  • Emperor costume 皇帝裝
  • the ultimate attention grabber 最終極的眼球吸引器
  • has the personality of a dog 有著狗一般的性格(簡稱狗格)

Cho, aka the cat-dog, happily minds the seafood stall in the local farmer's market. His presence helps boost sales at the market and many people come to the market each morning just to see Cho in his fashionable outfit. 

  • to help boost sales 使生意興隆(boost有促進的意思)

His 25-year-old owner says Cho loves to pose for pictures.

  • to pose for pictures 拍照擺姿勢


Cho lives with his owner in Hai Phong, a city in northern Vietnam. The fashional feline, who is over three years old, enjoys being around peopleCho also loves cheese and ice cream and he travels with his owner a lot. This adorable cat-dog, has over 30 costumes, including his emperor getup

  • Hai Phong 越南北部的海防市
  • feline 貓
  • enjoy being around people 喜歡跟人在一起
  • adorable 可愛的
  • getup 衣服或裝束(通常是指比較誇張的打扮)

圖片設計:Chloe 教練




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