The lessons that life has taught me. 英文的心靈雞湯短句,學英文長智慧。

Let it go, see what stays. 

1. Nothing is really lost until your mother can't find it. 

2. Life tip: When nothing goes right, go to sleep. 

3. Nothing ruins your Friday like realizing it's only Thursday. 

4. "I'll see you in court" is the grown up version of  "I'm telling mom."

5. "Your secret is safe with me...and all my best friends."

6. Going back to your ex is like having a shower and putting dirty underwear back on. 

7. Favorite childhood memory: Not paying bills. 

8. Brains are awesome if only everyone had one. 

9. Don't date a guy who has a female best friend.

10. Don't trust people too much because they can change anytime. 

11. Always choose self-respect over love.

12. Never let a man tell you twice that he doesn't want you. 

13. People do not like good thoughts. They like good looks. 

14. Truth is simple, but the moment you try to explain it, it becomes difficult. 

15. Two things define you in life - Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything. 

16. You only become stronger by doing hard things. 

17. Sometimes silence is better than arguing. 

18. If you have plan B, your plan A is less likely to work. 

19. Cheating is a choice, not a mistake. 

20. Healing is about accepting, not forgetting. 


  1. 12. Never let a man tell you twice that he doesn't want you. 這是印象最深的 因為最常忘記了.
    15. 適合性格急躁的我, 而且也提醒了擁有後該表現出得適宜態度 這才真正決定了我們是怎麼樣的人.
    16. Ç'est vrai. 有時候就是不夠逼自己: )

    1. Vous comprenez le français? C'est merveilleux!

  2. 作者已經移除這則留言。

    1. thank you so much for pointing these out. 我已經改了喔,哈哈。謝謝你捏。





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