跟錢有關的英文,一次14個一網打盡!Learn all about money and its forms today!

gif - Gipher 
Money這個字本身不可數,所以問人家有多少錢,要說How much money do you have? 但是一元或是兩毛錢則可以數。如 one dollar, four cents。除了這些之外,關於錢這字個其他相關英文,有很多常用的也可以學起來。記得背單字之於不要忘記背句子有了句子才能說話跟寫作,能說能寫才是真正會使用。下面這14個常用的金錢相關字彙與句子,生活中一定用得到,大家可以學起來。

1. donation 捐獻 
She made a donation of $ 100,000 to his church.

2. fee 酬金/費用 
The school charges a small registration fee.
The admission fee for this event is $10.

3. bribe 賄賂
Three police officers were accused of taking bribes.

4. tax 稅金
He was accused of evading taxes. (逃稅)

5. ransom 贖金
The kidnappers綁匪 demanded a ransom of one million dollars.

6. allowance 零用金
Each of their children gets a weekly allowance of five dollars.

7. loan 貸款/借出
I'll need three more years to pay off 償清 the rest of the loan.

8. wage 報酬/薪水(以日或鐘點計算)
We work day and night and still can't make decent wages.

9. salary 月薪/年薪 
She is on a salary of $ 50,000 a month.
Salary可數,所以兩個人的薪水,就是two salaries
(wage 與 salary不同的地方,在於wage是時薪,如鐘點工領的錢。minimun wage就是最低時薪/工資。但每個月領的薪水(如正職員工,就是salary。)

10. fine 罰金
The driver had to pay a fine for speeding.

11. alimony 贍養費
David got tired of making alimony payments so he stopped paying.
(most alimony payments are determined by income, with the spouse who makes more money paying the spouse who makes less)

12. pension 養老金
My grandpa's pension arrives in the mail every month.

13. debt 債/借款
He is trying very hard to pay off his gambling debts.

14. tip 小費
He gave the waitress a large tip - an extra $30.


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