本周英文聽力短篇又來啦!Tech toys 超夯
之後再聽聲音檔兩三次,補充筆記,最後試著將這篇短文寫成英文。如此一來,等於聽說讀寫都練習到了,非常好用。等實力提升之後,你可透過Scientific American做類似的練習。甚至NPR也可以。這些聽力練習其實都只是長度跟難度的差別而已,方法都是一樣的。
Are you the
type of person that has to have the latest technology as soon as it comes out?
Is it of the utmost necessity for you to possess the coolest vehicle in the
world? If all these describe you perfectly, then National Geographic Channel’s
Tech Toys 360 was made with people like you in mind. You get to experience the
most innovative technology of the 21st century and meet the makers who brought
them to life. These include the Pagani Huayra, an airplane-inspired supercar
that goes from zero to 60 miles per hour in just 3.3 seconds. A car that drives
underwater, a camera that spins 360 degrees to take panoramic photos, and a
fancy smartphone that comes with its own personal assistant are also
您是那種只要最新科技一出爐就必須立刻擁有它的人嗎?對您來說,擁有世界上最酷的交通工具是不是極為必要的事?如果上述一切是您的完美寫照,那麼國家地理頻道的《科技新創意》就是為了像您這樣的人量身打造的節目。您得以體驗二十一世紀最新穎的科技,還可以跟創造出這些物件的製造者見面。這當中包括了Pagani Huayra這款以飛機為製作靈感的超級跑車,它可以在三點三秒內從零加速到時速六十英里。舉凡一輛可以在水中駕駛的汽車、一台會旋轉三百六十度來拍攝全景照片的相機,還有一支自帶個人助理的豪華智慧型手機,都是科技迷一定要擁有的物品。