雙語並用對健康有益! 可防止癡呆。 Learn a new language and stay healthy!

Would you learn a new language if it would help your health? 

Learning another language does have its benefits.



現在科學家發現,說兩種語言還能延緩失智症的發。失智症病人中,有五至七成是阿茲海默症。阿茲海默症的英文全名是Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type,簡稱SDAT 所以想要預防這種可怕的疾病,從年輕就要開始努力。

不過延緩不代表可以百分之百免疫,所以雙語人people who are bilingual不一定就不會罹患失智症,畢竟這個症狀與老化、環境、基因與生活習慣都有密切關連。但目前可以確定的是,雙語頻繁的交互使用,確實能強化腦力,鍛鍊腦袋許多其他或許用不到的部分,如此便能延緩失智的症狀。





Would you learn a new language if it would help your health? You may have heard that bilingual children actually have more brainpower更強大的腦力 than kids who grow up speaking only one language. But could speaking multiple languages help you at the other end of life生命的其他方面 as well? Neuroscientists神經科學家 now say yes. Bilingualism appears to protect against dementia失智症 and Alzheimer’s伊茲海默症 diseaseIn a recent study, Dr. Ellen Bialystok at York University found that in bilingual patients with dementia, the disease had a later onset than in monolingual單一語言 patients. On average, being bilingual delayed延緩 the disease by four to five years.

Why does being bilingual protect against抵禦,使免受 dementia? Regularly speaking two languages strengthens different parts of the brain. This exercise helps what neuroscientists call “executive control執行控制,” which refers to complex cognitive skills大腦的認知技巧 like planning, working memory, mental flexibility腦力彈性, and many other important functions. These skills are the first to disappear as we age, but some activities (like eating well, exercising regularly, and doing word puzzles) have been shown to stave off mental decline 避免腦部退化 in old age. Apparently, being bilingual has a similar impact.

Does your high school French class count? Sadly no. How often you speak a second language, and how well you know it, both influence to what degree being bilingual can protect against dementia. Other variables變數, like when a patient learned the second language, have not been examined.
Are you more likely to learn another language because it has positive health impact?


  1. 據說不僅是雙語 持續學習音樂或者繪畫也是防呆的一種保護機制 用途就是刺激我們很少使用的右腦(主感性與創意、圖像、音律) 藉以平衡左右腦的使用程度 所以教練應該不會得腦瘤而是用腦過度所以才會頭痛(我覺得) 不過我聽到另一個論據是 語言等同於文化 而文化感知屬右腦管轄 在文化研究(Cultural Studies)的論域(discourse)中 學者Hall是這樣主張 而符號學(Semiology)也把語言等同於文化 並且發現用不同語言說同一件事 思維會完全不同 最著名的研究就是某一個日本女人用母語說他的願望是相夫教子當賢妻 可用英文說時卻表態自己想進入華爾街工作並當上高級經理人 這可能跟Durkheim說的意識形態(ideology)有關吧 Elvin

  2. Hi Elvin,

    Thanks for sharing!這些資料非常有趣,感謝你的分享。其實我自從停止去健身房之後(至今十天)頭痛竟然就消失了耶!我懷疑是過去七個月以來,我強迫自己運動導致壓力過大才讓頭爆痛。過去幾個月每天頭痛,痛到我開始記錄疼痛發生頻率,過去三個月來,幾乎每一天都會不舒服。但現在竟然好了。所以不要去健身房是對的,bad vibes from the gym. Bad, very bad...

  3. I thought exercising regularly benefits with a positive boost in mood and lower rates of depression since the body releases endorphins. But perhaps you exercised under constant stress (sounds weird though) haha...

  4. Hi Allen,

    Unfortunately, you're right. I had been working out under a lot of stress, (and it is not weird). After I stopped going to the gym, my headaches just stopped. I now jog and bike three times on a weekly basis and I feel great.

    1. Great! Jogging and biking are good as well. Perhaps you can try yoga. I've been doing that to accompany workout to stretch out a bit and relax.

  5. 放屁!只是對號入座。這個統計推論的母體有依受教育程度來抽樣嗎?請問,受教育的程度和這個病有統計上的相關性嗎?這裡說的雙語有包括官方語言加母語嗎?能說所謂"雙語"的人不是統計上是高知識份子嗎?我母親常年說國語及母語,現實是,一個主題的詞彙,兩種語言的選擇只會讓她混亂,不會選取,更說不出話來。

    1. 您的留言內容反映出自身教養,懇請您不要講粗話。
      此篇研究的論文細節可以上網細讀再做評論。我並非論文作者,只是分享文章研究的成果。您母親說的國語是一種語言,母語可能是方言。要先搞清楚這篇研究著重的是雙語,這並不一定包含dialect。如您會中文加上英文,可謂bilingual。但會說中文加上通曉潮州話,或許就不屬於這個研究範疇了。關於這個主題的研究其實有很多個,過去我的部落格也分享過其他的類似研究,http://chloeyachun.blogspot.com/2017/10/scientific-american-hippocampus.html美國科學人Scientific American 也有類似報導,您可以參考。若不認同研究的內容沒有關係,但需要先搞清楚內容與主題,且無論如何都不需要爆粗口。




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