台灣小吃百百種,英文翻譯何其多?CNN旅遊網站列出了四十種不能不吃的台灣小吃,解決了英文到底該怎麼說的困擾。這些小吃的英文與描述非常傳神鮮活,我為了整理註解,一次只能寫二十種(時間不夠用),所以這個單元分成Part I 與 Part II 兩個部分。從刨冰、胡椒餅、甜不辣到藥燉排骨、雞排與可樂餅,甚至連大腸包小腸都有了,有了這份檔案,讓你介紹台灣美食時信心十足,再也不會猶豫或是辭窮啦。 點我看台灣小吃Part 2喔 同學記得我上回上課時候講的親身故事嗎?十幾年前我的美國好友們來台灣玩,我惡整他們吃雞屁股這件事情。這回燒烤雞屁股這玩意兒,沒能進入CNN四十大台灣美食,我想那是因為 雞屁股是個可議的身體部位 ,老外(即便是華裔記者)也不感興趣。當時我哄騙我的老外朋友說,烤金字塔是台灣知名美食 grilled golden pyramids , 大家聽了都即刻表達了「金字塔何其美,吾心嚮往之」的表情,於是大夥兒紛紛各點一串雞屁股,三兩下吃個精光,只剩竹籤一支。一直到吃完後,我才跟這些老外解釋說,那個 香烤金字塔 ,其實是 chicken tush啦 (tush是英文屁股的口語俗稱)大家聽了之後花容失色...只差沒有跟我斷絕友誼。 我已經吃素邁入第三年了,在此要跟大家說,肉還是不要吃,不要因為我們的口腹之慾,造成動物們的痛苦。之前我也跟大家一樣是個吃肉人,我非常後悔,每天都很慚愧。大家能多吃點蔬果素菜,也是在幫地球的忙,這邊我先謝謝大家。慈悲心與同理心是地球人升格的兩個條件,這輩子都要努力朝這個方向邁進。 我準備了這份資料的上下兩集pdf檔案,有興趣的同學可以下載。 picture from CNNGO 下載台灣美食四十種Part 1pdf檔案...
I'd recommend elder people to recite Diamond Sutra or Medicine Buddha Sutra or even the Analect. The benifits are inestimable, even better than playing games.
回覆刪除Agreed. These scriptures cultivate wisdom, but they have to be Buddhists to really want to recite these books of enlightenment.
刪除I think the Bible does the same!
刪除I really learn a lot from The Analects. For example: This sentence helps me to learn calm down when things go wrong.
回覆刪除"Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?" (人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎)
Good for you. These are outstanding merits. Keep up the good work!
刪除I will. Thanks for encouragement! Actually I vow to finish reading 四書五經 within 10 years!
刪除Wow, that would be quite an achievement!
刪除I won't see it as an achievement. Being a loyal fan of chinese culture. They are a must-read. :)