天下文章一大抄啊,克蘿伊的英文筆記!My Reading Notes.
So keep your hands busy while you're reading!!!
1. 討救兵的英文: to call in reinforcement. (狗仔每次在偷拍什麼名人,這些名人一旦發現,就會開始忙著講電話,似乎在call in reinforcement)
2. 形容一個女人很漂亮,但是人雖美卻沒啥特色:She looks beautiful but generic.
3. 形容行頭高貴的有錢女人: She is dripping with diamonds. (身上太多爆閃珠寶所致)
4. 指很會演,演到讓大家都看不出來。He fakes it well.
5. 英文的「想起來了嗎?」是Does it ring a bell?
「好像有一點想起來。」(但是還不是很清楚、很確定) It rings a faint bell.
6. 我有辦法施展魔力,讓我的學生喜歡我,但那不是真正的我。
I can turn on the charm for my students, but it's not really me.
7. 酷暑(熱到爆的早晨) that blistering morning.
8. 酒精是每個人推責最好的藉口。Alcohol is everyone's favorite culprit. (就是無論犯什麼錯,都歸咎於自己喝醉了)
9. 我父母不打算過度保護或是寵我,所以我得自己去探索這個世界。(這邊用了一個很好的詞,spoon-feed。亞洲的教育皆是如此,學生被動吸收,老師幫大家做所有的準備。)
My parents weren't going to spoon-feed me and I'd have to find out on my own what the world was like.
10. 學校可以是一個極佳的(人生)起跑點,過去有許多其他學生都因此受惠。
The school could be a launching pad for greatness as it had been for other students.
11. 講到一個人從小的環境就讓他變成開朗與外向,即便對於陌生人也是如此,英文是:
He was hardwired to be cheerful and outgoing, even with strangers.
12. 聚在一起無所不聊的英文該怎麼說最傳神?看看這句話吧:
The three of them all talked non-stop about anything, everything and nothing.
13. 兄弟姐妹感情好,從來不拌嘴打架該怎麼說? We had very little sibling rivalry.
14. 高中或是大學有三種型的男生,這三種一定要學起來:
→the jocks (運動型男,如校隊體育健將 the athletic type)
→the geeks (頭腦好,帶著深度近視眼鏡 the brainiacs )
→the burnouts (非常用功的學生 the hardworking type)
我超喜歡英文的,你的部落格好讚哦,keep up the good work^^
回覆刪除Hi Sebastian,
回覆刪除Thanks a lot for the support and encouragement!!!
Please stay tuned for more exciting weekday and weekend blog posts.
Your voice is very sweet!! ^^
My parents weren't going to spoon-feeding (spoon-feed) me and I'd have to find out on my own what the world was like.
Yes, Issac, it was a typo and I'll fix it. Thanks for the reminder.