姊姊妹妹照過來,今年最夯髮型。男生也可以參考The Haircut of the Year Has Arrived!
圖片: Evan Agostini/Invision, via Evan Agostini/Invision/Ap
The trimmed hair of Karlie Kloss has been declared the “cut of the moment.”
我向來覺得短髮好看,short hair is so liberating and empowering.不過長髮迷思在亞洲還是存在。有多少女性是為了迷倒男人(或是男友喜歡)才留長髮呢?我以前頭法很長,沒有剪其實是因為想要省錢。尤其在美國那六年,外國的髮型師hair stylist不太會剪東方人的頭髮(可能因為我們頭型扁,髮質偏軟)所以我乾脆都自己染燙,短髮需要經常修整,自然就不考慮了。
今天讀到紐約時報一篇跟時尚有關的文章(抱歉,托福不考時尚方面的文章,真是可惜)作者寫了一篇當今最夯的髮型,就是照片中名模Karlie Kloss(卡莉克蘿絲)的俏麗短髮。這個髮型被時尚龍頭Vogue雜誌宣告為今年最夯頭,我覺得還挺適合東方女孩的臉型,男生也可以考慮,不過記得不要留太過於整齊的瀏海,不然就會成為小胖頭(或是豬哥亮頭)。the bowl haircut.諧星感會太重。請參考下圖的正確示範。
不過這款Karlie髮型其實充滿復古情懷,是六零年代Jane Birkin髮型的復刻版,嚴格來說應該稱之為柏金頭(對啊,跟名牌包柏金包是同一人,愛馬仕的柏金包,靈感就是來自這個英國歌星)這個髮型實在太夯,時尚名嘴便將此髮型name after Karlie, the super model (以某人為名英文是to name something after someone)稱之為the Karlie hair.
這就是六零年代的柏金頭,照片裡的就是知名英國歌手與藝人Jane Birkin現在又流行回來了,只不過這回名稱變成卡莉頭the Karlie
大家對於髮型的相關用詞不甚熟悉。試想各位到了美國唸書,尤其是男生,想要去剪個頭髮,又不知道要說什麼,難道一律說,just cut it 嗎?。潮男這一兩年的髮型有極端趨勢,不是理小平頭a crew cut就是中長髮 the above-the-shoulder look。總之,想要多了解跟頭髮相關的字彙與說法,這篇文章一定能開啟大家對於頭頂上這兩根毛的一些認識。唉,稍早我為了挑選文章,一直在掙扎是要po一篇關於槍枝管制的稿子,還是這篇短髮潮女篇,最後想想,美女照片比較吸睛,又快到周末了,雖然外頭冷颼颼,短髮好像給人一種脖子會著涼的感覺,不過說真的,如果你一在猶豫不曉得要怎麼變換造型,這種髮型真的很實用,低維修且能take years off your face(回春),讓你看起來年輕好幾歲。
1. the haircut of the year 年度風雲髮型(年度最潮/夯髮型)
2. veteran 老鳥,經驗豐富的人
3. the cut of the moment 當下最夯的髮型
4. swingy 這個字其實沒有y。加了y是口語的俏皮說法,就是指頭髮有彈性會彈跳的意思
5. refreshingly easy to wear 清新且非常好整理
6. brainchild (某人的)創作
7. with some layering 打層次(頭髮)
8. bangs 瀏海
9. to be worn out 過時,老氣了或是膩了
10. natural wave 自然微捲
11. airy 有空氣感的頭髮(通常比較蓬鬆)
12. rumpled 紊亂(強調自然)的髮型(通常不用吹整,用手撥一撥就有型)
13. short hair is in 短髮當道
14. to catch on and become a trend 蔚為風潮
15. to make changes in one's look 外表做些改變
16. to highlight one's hair/with highlights 挑染(注意,highlight這個字可以當名詞也可當動詞)
17. natural curly 自然捲
18. it's a good time for a fresh start 應該是重新開始的時候了
19. plain 簡單(形容髮型就是無聊,過於平淡,沒有記憶點)
20. echo/ it echoes the signature 60's haircut of Jane Birkin 這邊的echo不是回音的意思,而是回應,
The ‘Karlie’ Is Turning Heads
By MARISA MELTZER Published: January 16, 2013
haircut of the year has arrived.
Yes, already. Vogue is calling it the Chop, others have named it the Karlie, after the model Karlie Kloss. Ms. Kloss, already a fashion world veteran在伸展台上打滾多年/時尚界老鳥 at age 20, cut off
about seven inches of her dark hair late last year. Vogue declared it the “cut of the moment當下最夯髮型” in a four-page feature
story in the January issue, saying “the season’s new hair is swingy彈性, sexy — and refreshingly easy to
The cut was the brainchild(某人的)創作/作品 of the hairstylist Garren Defazio. It rests just
above the shoulders, with some layering in the front前面打層次, and is topped off with bangs然後以瀏海造型收尾. It echoes復刻版 the signature 1960s
haircut of Jane Birkin.
“I love it,” Ms. Kloss told the Web site
Fashionologie backstage at a fashion show soon after the new cut was unveiled揭幕/登場/公開. “I can’t stop touching
it.” She added that having short hair “actually takes the focus off your hair
and puts the focus on you. I’m starting to realize that it’s all about confidence.”
Ms. Kloss, a host (with Joan Smalls, a fellow model)
of MTV’s “House of Style,” had long hair that served as a kind of blank canvas
for stylists and designers to work with. Such hair gives model a look that is “plain乏味, uniform制式, like a mannequin塑膠人形模特兒” Mr. Defazio said. “I gave her a personality by cutting it.”
“Karlie’s been looking for a new look,” he said. “Her
hair had been worn out過時了/看膩了 from shows and shoots伸展台與平面拍攝. Vogue called and
said, ‘Would you do a cut?’ and I said Karlie should be the one to do it on.”
The length, at just below the jaw長度跟下巴齊平, wasn’t so short as to be “out of proportion不會有不符合臉型比例的問題,” Mr. Defazio said, but also allowed her hair to
become healthy again.
It’s a low maintenance look that sets off the face這個髮型好整理且能烘托臉蛋. “I cut it to encourage her natural
wave襯托自然捲,” Mr. Defazio said.
“It’s long enough so she can gel it back用髮雕往後梳整, and it’s modern because it’s airy充滿空氣感 and rumpled蓬鬆紊亂. Short hair is in短髮當道.”
“When Kate Moss cut her hair really short, everyone
started cutting their hair,” Mr. Defazio said. “When somebody who is notable
finds their look, it catches on and becomes a trend蔚為風潮.”
It comes as no surprise that this cut came early in
the year, when so many women resolve to make changes in their look決心改變外型, whether it’s ditching ombré
highlights漸層式的挑染 or deciding to wear their hair naturally curly自然微捲. Even the singer Kylie Minogue澳洲籍歌手凱莉米諾 rang in the new year with a picture of a new, shorter cut and the message
posted on Twitter: “New Year. New Haircut. Hello 2013.”
As for Ms. Kloss’s feeling about the cut, Mr. Defazio
said: “She’s in love with it. She can wear her hair natural and doesn’t have to blow it dry吹乾(頭髮). She said finally she’s
got a look she can just shampoo, put on lipstick and mascara, and she feels finished and modern覺得馬上整裝完畢且非常有流行感.”
“It’s been a
year of big change for me,” Ms. Kloss said in the Vogue article. “Now feels
like a good time for a fresh start.”