下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 教練最近都在整理 英文聽力的講義 ,並且重新把連結上傳,給需要鍛鍊英文聽力的人下載。 日後 還會有全新的英聽單元登場 。 多收聽科學人可以累積科普知識 ,對於提升英文聽力程度還有各項英文考試都很有幫助喔。每周一篇NPR加上Scientific American持續不間斷,幾個月後你將會發現自己擁有敏銳的英文耳。 Staying Healthy Takes Guts Full of Microbes People whose intestines have smaller and less diverse bacterial populations are more prone to obesity and gut inflammation. Sophie Bushwick reports Everywhere you go, the trillions 數以兆計 ( 無數個 ) of microbes 微生物 / 菌 in your gut 腸道 go too. And that's a comforting thought 想到這裡就令人感到安慰 . Because according to a new study, a more diverse population of intestinal bacteria 腸道細菌 is linked to better health . The work is in the journal Nature. Danish 丹麥 researchers gathered gut microbes from almost 300 obese and non-obese adults. The intestines of roughly one in four participants contained fewer and less diverse bacteria than average . And members of this group were more likely to be 更可能變得 obese and to suffer from 罹患 gut inflam...