The Chinese Valentine’s Day Falls on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month in the Chinese calendar. The festival is also known by the name of 七夕 "Qi Xi", meaning "The Night of Sevens". On this special day, lovers are seen to be exchanging flowers, cards, chocolates and gifts as a token of their love and affection. The Chinese Valentine Day is also associated with a romantic legend. It revolves around the love story of 牛郎 Niu Lang and 織女 Zhi Nu, but I'm not going to share the story today because most of us are familiar with what's going on. You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams . Dr. Seuss 來做個教練寫的心理測驗應景吧!祝大家七夕情人節快樂! 你適合那種戀愛關係? 最好的對象未必最適合自己,找出適合你的伴侶與互動關係,才是維繫感情的最佳方式。想知道你到底適合哪一種伴侶與愛情?下面的測驗幫妳一窺究竟。 回答問題的時候不要想太久,直覺反應比較準喔 。 Start 1. 已經很久沒有節食或減肥了 Yes 2 No 3 2. 與父親的關係疏離 ( 含單親或喪父 ) Yes 4 No 5 3. 大腿比較粗 Yes 5 No 6 4. 一旦與對方...