下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析檔請點我 第六次大滅絕 是托福生物學科經常出現的考題, 跟先前五次物種大滅絕不同的是,這回(第六次)的滅絕,科學家認為是 人為因素 導致的 。目前全球各地的專家學者都在研究物種消失對於地球的影響。最新研究指出,第六次大滅絕還在起步階段,目前尚未(記得英文的for now/yet的意涵)影響地球的 生物多樣性 biodiversity 。不過這並不代表問題不嚴重,因為類似的滅絕行動是 不可逆的 irreversible ,一旦滅絕啟動,許多傷害便難以彌補,冥頑不靈的人類又不知覺醒,地球的未來還是令人感到憂慮。 Biodiversity Survives Extinctions for Now A meta-analysis of ecosystems finds that species losses in any given place do not yet translate to large changes in the number of different species in that place. David Biello reports We are living during what seem to be the opening stages of the sixth mass extinction 第六次大滅絕 in our planet's 4.5 billion year history. Species of birds, fish, mammals and plants are disappearing at speeds rarely experienced, thanks in large part to 因為 human activities: pollution, climate change, habitat destruction and other damage. But extinction apparently does not mean less biodiversity—at least not yet. A new look at ecosystems fro...