gif - Giphy 畢業等於失業?下面這篇文章作者認為美國各大專院校對學生的職能訓練不應該袖手旁觀,建議 學生應該從大一入學,就透過學校與校友會的資源幫忙自己做生涯規劃與訓練 ,好讓畢業後的求職路能更順利。 熟讀英文文摘,打下紮實的英文基礎。 好的閱讀能力是寫作的基本盤,多寫多閱讀,才能一輩子都保持良好的英文實力。 教練替大家選讀的都是 具有觀點的論述性文章 ,多觀摩類似文摘,對於托福的獨立題寫作絕對有幫助。 下載文章請點我 以考試為工作的職業也不是沒有, 在台灣,會考試的人或許賺更多錢呢! AS 16 million young adults set off for college 朝著大學邁進 this fall, they are looking at some frightening statistics 可怕的統計數字 . Despite the ever-rising cost of getting a degree 不斷上漲的大學文憑費用 , one number stands out like a person shouting in a campus library : According to a recent poll conducted by AfterCollege, an online entry-level job site, 83 percent of college seniors graduated without a job this spring. Even when these young people finally do get jobs, the positions are often part-time, low wage or not related to their career interests. The problem isn’t the quality of higher education in the United States, so what’s missing? Two years ago, in a full-blown 完全真切的 panic, I asked myself this exact question when...