冬天的北台灣總是陰雨綿綿,關於 雨 的種種英文, 其實有各種不同的字眼可以形容,今天就來學一點關於雨水的英文。 1. drizzle - 綿綿細雨 It's drizzling at the moment but I wouldn't be surprised if it starts pouring down soon. 2. rain - 正常雨水(需要撐傘才不會淋濕) It rains a lot in April here. 3. pour - 大雨 (即便撐傘也會把身體搞濕的那種) Unfortuantely for the newlyweds, it poured down all day on their wedding day. 4. lash - 超大雨 (類似颱風等級那種暴雨) The rain came lashing down by the time we got there. 5. It's bucketing down/It's raining buckets 這種大雨有如水桶直接傾倒 It's been bucketing down all afternoon but I hope it stops before the party. 6. It's raining cats and dogs 這種 傾盆大雨 的描述現在比較少人講了,是屬於比較有創意的說法。 It's been raining cats and dogs since two this afternoon. 7. shower - 陣雨 There will be showers of rain over many parts of the country this week. 8. downpour - 驟雨 A great downpour of rain had completely ruined their wedding. 9. deluge - 暴雨/洪水 The deluge has caused unprecedented flo...