
目前顯示的是 2月, 2021的文章

英語每周一文,The Hunger Games對青少年的啟發有哪些?論述性文章要有梗才是王道。

下載解析版本請點我 這是今天晚上托福寫作課程,教練要示範論點的一篇時代雜誌範例文章。重新上傳也鼓勵有興趣的同學閱讀喔。 What The Hunger Games Can Teach Tweens Yes, it's violent — but The Hunger Games series   can lead to discussions about a number of important issues By Eliana Dockterman The films — both are rated PG-13 — are based on a young-adult fiction 青少年小說 series by Suzanne Collins in which a totalitarian regime 極權主義的統治 holds games every year in which children are forced to 被強迫 murder one another. Some have argued that no amount of good filmmaking or positive messaging should justify taking an under-13-year-old to films with such a violent premise 無論影片拍得多好,所傳遞的訊息有多麼正面,這部給青少女看的影片,也不該以如此的暴力方式呈現 . Others say that the link between violence in films and real violent behavior is shaky 站不住腳 , at best 可能 , and the films are actually far less violent than the books themselves. I’m not a parent ( nor do I plan to be anytime soon), so I can’t speak to whether I would take my own 8-year-old to see The Hunger Games .

少用OK跟Nice表達看法,英文的換字練習很重要。Other ways to say these frequently used words...

你的換字功力強嗎?每一個英文常用字的同義或是近義字到底會幾個呢?記得以前在美國念書時,每次做 critique 的時候,有些教授都會嚴格要求評論時,不准使用某些字眼,原因是這些字太籠統。評論型的文章如 reviews/critiques ,作者或是評論者很少用模糊字眼去表達論點或是批判事情,因此 足夠的換字量,可以一窺一個人的語言深度 ,上面這張圖是個很好的示範。訓練自己每個常用英文字都有至少三個同義字可以使用,口說寫作的時候就再也不會辭窮啦。 以前在上寫作課的時候,教練都跟同學說,要儘量少用 Some, can, maybe ,因為這些字不夠精確,會削弱你的論述力道。請比較下面兩個句子: (弱)This book can help  us better understand the power of solitude.  (強)This book helps  us better understand the power of solitude. 少了 can 的句子,訊息更直接俐落,再加上 help 本身也已經表達了能力的意思,所以 不需要再加上 can . 以前教練在寫英文文案的時候,也曾被資深的美國文案提點過。如描述一瓶洗髮精的功效, 中文總會說, XXX洗髮精 能 讓秀髮柔黑亮麗 ,因為中文有個「 能 」字,所以英文好像被中文這個母語綁架了,也得加上個 can 字,如: XXX shampoo can make your hair silky smooth. 其實拿掉了can這個字,訊息傳達會更直接也更有力道 XXX shampoo makes your hair silky smooth. ←這樣寫更好 此外,論述性的文字,如果不寫 I think 或 in my opinion 也會更強大喔,如 I think there should be a limit on how much  TV children can watch. 與其這樣說,不如 把I think刪掉 ,訊息的力道會強非常多。 There should be a limit on how much TV children can watch. 總之, 把握一個原則,那就是 凡事說清楚 ,


gif - Giphy 下載聲音檔Part 1請點我 下載聲音檔Part 2請點我 農曆春節是中國人重要的日子,一定要會用英語講點像樣的東西不是嗎?大家可以利用短篇的英語練習聽個幾遍,記下筆記然後複述幾次,拿來練習口說,效果非常好喔。 The Traditions of Chinese New Year 農曆新年習俗談   From 蘋果日報雙語天下 常春藤美語 About a month before the Lunar New Year , people start to prepare for the biggest holiday in Asia. This includes getting their fortunes read so that they know what the upcoming year has in store for them. Barbershops and beauty salons are booked many days in advance because it is bad luck to cut anything during Chinese New Year. Malls, stores, and markets all have sales leading up to the New Year. The hottest items before the start of the holiday are food and red clothing. Also before the New Year, people's homes get a thorough cleaning. All old furniture and belongings are taken out with the trash as well. This is so that during Chinese New Year, no one sweeps away any good luck. On the eve of the New Year, a family reunion is held, with a feast as the main focus. After the

部落格熱門單元分享,26個英文常用的成語,幫你突破閱讀與聽力盲點!26 must-learn idioms that help you talk and understand like a native English speaker.

gif - Giphy 記得之前有一回看美劇的時候, 劇中主角與毒梟有句對話是這樣的: Hey dude, now how many dead presidents do I owe you for these? 翻譯的人可能沒有搞清楚 dead presidents 指的是什麼,竟然翻譯成「 到底有幾個總統要因為我為你做這些而死 ?」 這樣的翻譯看得我一頭霧水。其實這裡面的問題出在 dead presidents 。 因為不理解才會全盤都聽錯。 Dead presidents 其實指的是 美鈔 ,因為美鈔上面印的都是死掉的總統。所以上面那句英文,正確的意思應該是: 「 這些貨(指毒品)要多少錢? 」 另外還有一次看了一個影片,影片中有一句: ... and he was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea .  中文很直白的翻譯成, 他被卡在魔鬼與藍藍深海之間 。這樣的中文翻譯了真的等於沒有翻。其實 to be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea 意思是前有深海後有惡魔,兩者狀況都很糟,卡在中間讓人感到進退兩難 。所以上面那一句,正確的中文意思應該是: 「 當時的他感到左右為難/進退兩難。 」 學語文最怕不求甚解,犯錯沒有關係,不曉得自己錯在哪問題還比較嚴重。我們的英文學習方式重視單字記憶,對於成語卻接觸的不多,偏偏這些成語都是新聞媒體或是電影與生活中常出現的字詞。今天教練整理了26個最常出現的英文成語,並且逐一附上例句,熟悉這些常用成語,讓你將來無論是閱讀還是聽力都能突破盲點,就是比別人厲害一點。 希望能夠學習更多英文成語的同學,記得點教練之前製作的另外一份檔案 - 中英成語對照600句喔 。 下載檔案請點我 下載檔案細讀,可累積英文實力。 上面這26個英文常用成語,你看得懂幾個呢?很多成語都不是字面上的意思喔。 檔案中每一個成語都有中英文解釋與例句,幫助大家理解並且使用。 記得要記例句將來才會使用喔。 未來還會繼續增加新的成語,今天先把這26個熟記吧。