下載喵星人教英語文字檔請點我 u Cat 貓也可稱之為 feline ,通常 cat 指的是家裡面養的貓咪,比較小隻的那種。不過大家知道嗎?如果用貓來形容女人,是帶有貶意的。 Cat 在英文有妓女之意 。以前 早期的妓院,英文都叫做 cat house 。 This word for any feline or, specifically, the small domesticated species became a term of contempt for a woman and slang for a prostitute (brothels have been called cat houses) 跟貓有關的英文,似乎都沒有甚麼好下場。 Catcalls 指的是在觀看比賽時,觀眾叫囂抗議的聲音 。這個字可能源自於貓咪在求愛時發出的怪叫聲。 Similarly, noisy protests from spectators at a performance or competition are referred to as catcalls, presumably from the unpleasant sound of cats howling out during fighting or courtship. 另外,在黑人英語中, cat 這個字跟 fellow 或是 guy( 傢伙 ) 是同義字。後來只要是對爵士樂有狂熱的人 a jazz aficionado ,也稱之為 cat. Cat also came, first in Black English and then in more widespread usage, to be synonymous with fellow or guy and became a label for a jazz aficionado. 大家熟悉的 肥貓 fat cat ,用來描述人,不禁讓人聯想起一個肚子渾圓,模樣福泰的中年大叔。肥貓通常指那些有錢且過得快意舒服的人。 A fat cat is, by analogy with the physical aspect of an obese feline, a wealthy...