
目前顯示的是 12月, 2013的文章

英文聽力短篇練習本周是酷斃了的3D Street Art!

下載聲音檔請點我 下載文字檔請點我 From 蘋果日報雙語天下長春藤美語 關於英語短篇練習方式請點這個連結 http://chloeyachun.blogspot.tw/2013/07/blog-post_24.html 類似主題我在托福聽說課程上有分享過。知名的3D地景畫家如Julian Beever(如下圖)                                以及德國3D地景畫家Edgar Mueller (下圖)都是非常有名的。              想要知道這些畫家是如何製作3D地景畫,請參考下面的連結,也別忘了閱讀文章喔。                     請點選youtube連結,看影片。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SNYtd0Ayt0 3-D Street Art 3D 地景藝術讓您身歷其境 Paintings are usually seen on walls, but there is also a special form of art that uses the street as a canvas. They are 3-D street paintings, and they are more fun to look at than most graffiti. Using shading and careful designs, the artists make the images look like they are coming right out of the pavement. Picture yourself walking along a narrow cliff. One careless step and you will fall off ...


耶誕節來聊聊有趣的東西吧。我經常覺得,宗教本來的意義與目的是為了提供正向的心靈慰藉,而且勸人向善,無奈老是有人打著宗教的旗幟,去反對這個,批評那個。不久前我在一個部落格看到了一段文章,這個人說了一段話,這段話可能會讓很多白種人基督徒皺眉吧。 "Not trying to be Politically Correct, but for all you devoted Christians who firmly believe that Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus, are you aware that Jesus Christ was a Jew , born in late Spring , not during the Winter Solstice ? Did you also know that in the original Scriptures of the Bible, his name was not Jesus Christ, but was Yeshua of Nazareth ? He was not white , he had nothing to say against homosexuals and was followed by a group of men as his apostles ..." 這位作者說,本人發文目的不是為了政治正確(因為現在很多人為了要討好少數族群,總是會講些檯面話,好不得罪一些人),但是各位虔誠的基督徒,你們堅信耶誕節是耶穌誕生的日子,但是你們知道嗎?其實耶穌是猶太人,而且出生的時間是晚春時節,不是冬至。你們知道最早期的聖經版本,耶穌的名字不叫做Jesus Christ而是Yeshua of Nazareth嗎?還有,耶穌根本不是白種人,也從沒反對過同性戀。耶穌自己的門徒都是一堆男人...... 世上最難的是同理心與包容力 。平等博愛向來只是口號,能夠沒有差別心,對所有的生命一視同仁才是真正了不起。我最喜歡的一本書是 金剛經The Diamond Sutra 。有興趣的同學可以上網看看這本佛教的經典。昨天提到台灣沒有好的翻譯人才,這是我們的悲哀。佛教誕生於印度,在中國被發揚光大。佛教的翻譯在數千年前可是非...

好書推薦!Louis Sachar 的 Holes有電腦版啦。先睹為快!

這本書真的好看。當年我一口氣看完整本,覺也沒睡天就亮了。寒假時間多,這本書不會讓你失望。當然囉,我知道飢餓遊戲的魅力比較大,所以也可以先看飢餓遊戲啦。青菜蘿蔔各有各的喜好。加油囉!                                                               下載此書的pfd檔案請點我

本周英語聽力短篇來囉,看看太空旅行的英文你能說多少。To the stars and beyond!

下載聲音檔請點我 下載文字檔請點我 想要知道該如何利用短篇英文練習聽說的同學,請點這個連結。 http://chloeyachun.blogspot.tw/2013/07/blog-post_24.html To the Stars and Beyond 飛向浩瀚無垠的太空 Space exploration continued to change and grow. Some people, however, were not satisfied with letting the experts have all the fun. Instead, they wanted to be able to experience zero gravity for themselves. Luckily, this has become possible thanks to a number of private companies that offer to take civilians into space. Potential passengers have to go through a certain amount of training before their spaceflight. These commercial trips take passengers more than 100 kilometers above the Earth for about three hours. Once in space, the passengers get to experience out-of-this-world views of the planet and stars as well as around six minutes of weightlessness. Space tourism is definitely creating a new era in spaceflight. Who knows? Maybe one day you too will be shooting through space. 太空探索持續地改變和發展。然而有些人卻不甘讓專家獨享所有樂趣,他們也想親身體驗無重力狀態。幸...


下載聲音檔請點我 下載文字檔請點我 英語聽力短篇練習方法請點連結 http://chloeyachun.blogspot.tw/search/label/%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E8%81%BD%E5%8A%9B%E7%9F%AD%E7%AF%87%E8%A8%93%E7%B7%B4?updated-max=2013-07-26T23:53:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=18&by-date=false From 蘋果日報雙語天下 LED Lighting 照亮未來世界的一盞明燈 LEDs have come a long way since they were invented in 1962. In the beginning, only red lights were available, but now they come in a whole range of colors. Also, they were first used to light up digital clocks, watches, and calculators. Now, they are commonly used in flashlights, traffic lights, and electronic bulletin boards. What's more, LEDs have made the images you see on TV more vivid in color as well as made it possible for thinner TVs to be created. Unfortunately, the biggest downside to LEDs is the cost. They are currently more expensive than traditional lights, but this is changing. Even though LEDs cost more at first, the long-term benefits to customers' wallets and ...

本周英語聽力短篇,來聊聊 LED燈。托福口說題目可以參考類似主題

下載聲音檔請點我 下載文字檔請點我 本周的英語聽力短篇,學習關於LED燈的相關訊息。本周先上傳上集,下周分享下集喔!托福口說如果下次再考 人類最偉大的發明 之一,你可以說是LED燈啦。英語短篇每周上傳,就是為了提供多元化主題讓大家練習。無論托福口說、聽力筆記還是單純的練習聽力,充實英文可用的背景知識與字彙,這些小小單元都能助各位一臂之力喔。 From 蘋果日報雙語天下 LED Lighting 照亮未來世界的一盞明燈 The electric light bulb has influenced the world greatly. Today, they are everywhere. Light bulbs have changed the way we work and play. Where did this amazing invention come from? Most of us were taught that American Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879. This is not true because electric light had been around since the early 1800s. Edison just made it better and created bulbs that would glow for over 1,500 hours. These incandescent light bulbs produce light when the thin wires inside are heated to high temperatures. Over the years, incandescent bulbs have been replaced by other types of electric lights. The most common are fluorescent lights. They create a cool, blue light and are more energy efficient. However, the world is now turning to LEDs. ...

New from NPR,高血壓是無形殺手,千萬別等閒視之!Nearly 1 in 5 young adults has high blood pressure

大多數的年輕人都沒有天天量血壓的習慣,許多人甚至根本不曉得自己有高血壓。體重過重的人通常是高危險群,另外家族遺傳的因素也要考量在內,總之大家不能掉以輕心。 這篇NPR的報導,揭露了一個可怕的事實:那就是 美國年輕人當中,幾乎每五人就有一人有高血壓 ,長期高血壓會導致動脈狹窄、血管阻塞、腦中風、心臟衰竭、心肌梗塞、糖尿病甚至腎臟疾病,所以有空大家來量量血壓吧。運動(減重)與清淡的飲食(少鹽份)也能改善狀況。一旦服用高血壓藥物,就不能擅自停藥,這篇報導有很多很棒的英文詞彙可以學起來,請大家多多收聽下載。 舒張壓超過90,收縮壓超過140皆為危險的數字,請儘快就醫檢查啊。 下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 Nearly 1 in 5 young adults has high blood pressure    From NPR news Here's a worrisome trend : 令人憂心的趨勢 high blood pressure among young adults. The findings 調查結果 , by researchers at the University of North Carolina, appear online in the journal Epidemiology 流行病學期刊 . As NPR's Patty Neighmond reports, this is the first, large, long-term study 美國首度出現的大規模長期研究 to find such high rates of hypertension 高血壓 among such young people. PATTY NEIGHMOND: Sociologist Kathleen Mullan Harris is analyzing 分析 a number of health surveys 健康調查 that were mandated by 受委託 Congress 受美國國會委託調查研究 in the mid-'90s. The idea was to examine the health and ha...