
目前顯示的是 9月, 2012的文章

不要懷疑,她是真人! A Living Cartoon Character

年僅十九歲的烏克蘭女孩Anastasiya Shapagina 是個標準的日本動畫迷。為了要扮成動畫中的女主角 身材嬌小的她可以餓肚子不吃東西,只為了擁有跟漫畫女主角一樣的細腰。 Anastasiya最擅長的是the flower fairy look就是花仙子的造型。 眼睛的化妝是最關鍵的步驟,通常需要非常仔細。 把真的眼睛畫成假的也需要一點實力,可以想見 她白皙的肌膚跟栩栩如生的仙女妝容,確實迷倒許多動畫迷 台灣年輕人迷的cosplay其實多半只有服裝跟髮型像,真的要做到 連臉跟身材都很像動畫女主角的,確實很少見。漫畫女郎的細腰大眼 與漂亮的髮色都要到位才能被稱之為達人。 站在花園裡,Anastasiya跟個假人沒啥兩樣。正因為如此,傳神的造型讓她聲名大噪。 大家不要學啊,瘦成大頭小身體,是會賠上健康的。動畫看看就好 不要真的走火入魔。Anastasiya據說還想要動整形手術,把眼睛整得 更像漫畫女主角。下面是部落客寫的英文報導 非常簡單,請大家好好欣賞 Meet the teenage girl who has transformed herself into a living cartoon character Anastasiya Shpagina, 19, models herself on characters from Japanese anime films. The Ukrainian 烏克蘭 teenager spends hours painstakingly applying make-up to achieve her extreme look. Shpagina is reported to be considering surgery on her eyes to further resemble her anime idols By  KERRY MCDERMOTT With her enormous, glassy eyes, purple hair


From NPR 我沒有特別喜歡變性人題材啦! 只是碰巧NPR近期有特別的報導 為了增加大家的國際觀 才特別選錄。課堂上的聽力補充不能超過五分鐘 所以這絕對不是刻意去選的題目 巴基斯坦的男性習慣牽牽大手 一般人對於變裝的男性也比較能夠接受 近年來這些第三性人士的社會地位有顯著提升 下面一起來看看NPR的報導 下載聲音檔請點我 Pakistan's Transgenders In A Category Of Their Own In Pakistan, there's an age-old tradition 古老的傳統 many Westerners might find surprising: transvestites 異性裝扮癖 at baby showers. Transgender women have long been considered good luck for Pakistani newborns and newlyweds. But they also face discrimination 歧視 . NPR's Lauren Frayer talked with members of the Pakistan 's transgender community and shares her reporter's notebook. LAUREN FRAYER, BYLINE: Urban Pakistan assaults your senses 攻擊 ( 震撼 ) 你的感官 : tangles of traffic 交通打結 , Pakistani pop competing with the mosque's call to prayer 巴基斯坦的流行歌與清真寺的祈禱聲相互轟債聽覺 , pungent spices in the steamy air 溫熱的氣溫中彌漫著辛辣的香料氣味 . And then there are the transvestites. FRAYER: At traffic lights, you see people draped in


彩虹世界裏的英文成語 之前介紹了很多 English Idioms 英文成語,不過大家知道嗎?不同的色彩在英文裡也有著不同的意涵。想知道各種顏色代表的獨特意義嗎?看來看看英文彩虹世界的多樣面貌。 The various colors of the spectrum have contributed significantly to expressions and turns of phrase that are themselves often quite colorful. Here’s a sampling of idioms employing the words for colors. 紅色 Red 通常跟紅色扯上關係的,多半不是好消息 In the red 指的是負債累累 Red tape 指的是官僚 Seeing red 指的是因勃然大怒的意思 To go beet red 指的是非常尷尬 ( 到臉紅 ) 的意思 Red-eye flight 指的是紅眼班機,通常都是深夜起飛的班次,旅客都會因為疲累不堪而眼睛紅紅。 Red-herring 指的分散注意力的 Red-handed 指的是當場被逮 Red flag 指的是警訊 到底有什麼跟紅色扯上關係,結果意思是比較正面的呢?請看看下面這幾個說法: To paint the town red 指的是又吃又喝非常開心 Red- letter day 指的是值得慶祝的好日子 ( 如托福考高分之類的 ) Red-carpet treatment 就是受到明星一般的高規格禮遇 To roll out the red carpet 就是要好好的接待一個人,給予充分的關照 大家可以聯想到重要頒獎典禮,總是有走紅毯這種儀式,所以上述的兩個成語就是這樣來的 橘色 Orange 橘色是個開心的顏色,不但能刺激食欲,通常也令人有不錯的聯想,不過怪的是,橘色這個顏色,在英文成語中不太常見。最常看到橘色出現的,也不是指這個色彩本身,而是橘子這種水果。英文的 apples and oranges 就是指把個毫不相干的東西拿來比較。因為蘋果跟橘子是完全不同的水果。 黃色 Yellow

Chinese Social Celebrations中國節慶大觀

親愛的同學 昨天下課後跟同學練習口說題目的時候 提到了Social Celebrations 我跟同學說我要回去查查看 確認這指的是我想像中的Cultural celebrations 結果我找到了一個網站 上面有關於 中國人節慶的所有英文相關資料 請大家上去看看 萬一去考托福口說的時候 被問到一個關於自己國家的文化節慶 你就有材料可以說了 http://www.topchinatravel.com/china-guide/the-lantern-festival.htm 同學在準備口說題目時 (請在我的部落格下載黃金考古80題的檔案) 有些題目想不出梗 可以來找我討論 我非常願意幫忙各位 所以不一定是要來練習口說 要來交換瞎掰心得也非常好 記得交了學費就要把老師榨乾啊 呵呵

New from NPR! 印度的便當快遞好神!

印度菜真美味 那兒的便當快遞精確準時品質好 下載NPR的廣播 一窺這個神奇職業的面貌(順便訓練耳朵聽印度人講英文!) 下載聲音檔請點我 In India, 100-Year-Old Lunch Delivery Service Goes Modern by  ELLIOT HANNON Heard on Morning Edition August 28, 2012 -   STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Think about how Americans often order pizza delivery. Now, imagine you had an arrangement to deliver lunch to your office every day. Imagine further that everybody in the office received a delivery every day, and so did everybody in the office next door. And imagine that it's Indian food. A system somewhat like this has prevailed for a century in one of the world's largest cities, Mumbai 孟買 ( 印度第一大城,位於印度西部 ) . Every day in India's business capital Mumbai, thousands of delivery men, called dabba wallahs 達巴瓦拉 ( 在印度從事午餐餐盒運送的快遞員 ) hand-deliver meals to doorsteps across the city. Elliot Hannon reports from Mumbai on how this traditional service is delivering meals from a 21st century source. ELLIOT HANNON, BYLINE: For decades, India

New From NPR 上海南京路熱鬧仲夏夜

下載本篇報導聲音檔請點我 Festive Nanjing Road Recaptures Shanghai's Heyday 熱鬧的南京路   重現上海風華 by   FRANK LANGFITT Finally, this hour, the latest entry in our series, Summer Nights. We've been exploring 探索 places that come alive when the sun goes down and, today, we head to China's financial capital 金融首都 , Shanghai. In the 1920s and '30s, Shanghai was one of the world's most exciting and notorious 惡名昭彰的 cities. All that ended when the communists took over 被共產黨接手 . But, in the last decade or so, Shanghai has reemerged 再現 . It's now a dynamic 充滿活力的 city of 23 million with a skyline that dwarfs that of Manhattan 上海大樓天際線之高,讓紐約的曼哈頓都相形失色 . NPR's Frank Langfitt reports from China's Times Square, Nanjing Road 中國的時代廣場 – 南京路 . FRANK LANGFITT, BYLINE: It's Sunday night on Nanjing Road and this is the most vibrant 充滿生氣的 / 欣欣向榮的 part of the city in the summers. Right now, I'm surrounded by thousands and thousands of people strolling alo