
目前顯示的是 6月, 2012的文章

Relax, they're just animals! 動物歡笑一籮筐

The Owl with the dilated pupils ... and his 20/20 vision buddy. He's never been the same after those pair of contacts... 唉,自從有了瞳孔放大片之後,那傢伙就... Female customer: Hey, Kitty cat, how much are these fish? Kitty: Those are not for sale ma'am. I'm just showing off , y'know.

豪雨成災,土石流 洩洪的英文怎麼說?

From The Chinapost 因為豪雨而停班停課的一天,我坐在沒有網路的家中(用手機連線網路工作) 閱讀了幾份英文報紙,與同學分享我閱讀過的文章。 土石流與豪雨的英文怎麼說? 該怎麼用英文描述台灣目前的狀況? 同學可參考下面這篇文章 晚上的托福課程取消 我們會擇日補課 請大家留意哈佛的訊息 Floods, landslides hit 襲擊 south, central Taiwan Severe rain 豪雨也可用torrential rain來表達 hit southern and central Taiwan yesterday, causing floods, traffic disruption 交通中斷 and other damage 記住, damage 這個字不能變成複數,因為加了 s 就有補償金的意思了 . More than 400 millimeters of rain fell on 落在 Pingtung County within a 24-hour period 在 ... 時間範圍內 , causing floods in several villages. About 50 tour buses were stuck 受困 ( 也可用 trapped 同義字。 ) in 注意介係詞使用 the mountain area of Nantou County in central Taiwan due to landslides, trapping just over 1,000 people, according to local TV news reports. Seventy-nine villages in six counties around central and southern Taiwan are under red alert 紅色警戒的介系詞要用 Under 請記得 because of potential landslides 因為可能再度發生的土石流 . Due to the presence of a southwestern front鋒面與 西南氣流 , heavy rain beg...

New from NPR Bug diet!全球糧荒有解!吃蟲就行了

New from NPR 下載聲音檔請點我 台灣目前真的還稱得上是一個富足的國家,真正餓肚子的人不多。可是大家知道在全球人口爆炸的同時,扣掉本來就吃不飽的人,專家還擔心未來會糧食會嚴重不足。氣候改變與資源分配不均的問題,都會讓更多人挨餓。養牛羊這些牲口非常不環保,牛放的屁是地球暖化的元兇,所以現在有專家研發富含蛋白質的蟲蟲大餐來解決問題。如果你覺得吃蟲很噁(我小時候吃過油炸蚱蜢,因為已經酥炸了,吃起來沒啥特別感覺),那我建議大家吃素。我已經吃素八個多月了。現在是再也回不去了。據說有些素食同好,吃菜戒肉不是因為宗教信仰,而是慈悲心。覺得宰殺動物很殘酷。加上食肉對地球的傷害大,對身體也不好。我吃素家裡都不贊成,可是我堅持,他們也沒法子逼我(說明了只要有心就沒藉口)。吃素讓我瘦了七公斤,且身體變得舒服很多。同學平日記得要多吃菜,愛護動植物。人類是摧殘地球的元兇,我們要珍惜自然資源。我頂多再活三十年就算夠本,可是大家的路還很長,要好好愛惜我們的土地。言歸正傳,這篇NPR報導,講的是荷蘭人研發蟲蟲大餐,希望能替代肉類,因為蟲子繁殖快也便宜,可望解決人類糧食短缺的問題。 Time For A 'Bug Mac'? The Dutch Aim To Make Insects More Palatable 大麥克改成大麥蟲 ? 荷蘭人致力讓蟲蟲更可口 Copyright ©2012 National Public Radio®. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required. Heard on Morning Edition April 11, 2012 - STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: The European Union 歐盟 is investing more than $4 million to research the use of insects as a protein source 蛋白質來源 for humans. Teri Schultz traveled to...