畢卡索的這幅名畫底下暗藏玄機 透過專業的科學儀器鑑定,發現這幅畫底下還有一幅作品。 儀器顯示畫布原來畫的是一個托腮的蓄鬍男人,但這個男人是誰則不得而知。 為何一張畫布有兩幅畫作呢?可能是當年的畢卡索太窮了, 窮到負擔不起新的畫布,只好等油料乾了之後,再在上面畫新的作品。畢卡索的藍色時期創作,是在他比較窮困的時候完成的,筆下人物多愁苦消瘦。 對照後其他大鳴大放且富可敵國的景況真是差很多呢。 多收聽英文廣播,長期反覆聽可練就一雙英文耳。 下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 下載此主題相關圖檔請點我 Buried By Picasso, The Man Beneath 'The Blue Room' Tells A Story What's behind the man who is below "The Blue Room"? This week, conservators 藝術品的修護與保存專家 at the Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C. revealed that there's a mustachioed 長捲鬍鬚的 man in a jacket and bow tie 西裝與領結 resting his face on his hand that's painted below "The Blue Room." Pablo Picasso's noted 1901 scene of a woman bathing in the artist's studio. "The Blue Room" has hung in the Phillips since 1927. Art experts have long suspected something more must be below as there were brushstrokes 筆觸 that didn't match the composition 構圖 of the nude, bluish woman. But adva...