
目前顯示的是 10月, 2022的文章

恐龍也會罹癌,本周的英聽練習可以學到很多實用的字詞與句子!from Scientific American.

  下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析檔請點我

On being a neat freak. This one is in English. Enjoy this post. 全英文的單元大家也要看呦!

Time to tidy things up folks, it will do you goooood! On being a Neat Freak I use these small paper boxes to create little compartments in my drawers. This is a great storage idea! Neat freak/clean freak/cleanaholic  = 潔癖 These are the things people say when they come over to my place: “Do you actually live here?” “Ya Chun, life is too short to be spent on household chores. You need to stop.”      “You really need to enjoy your life more!” “Do you even have a life? “ “Stop doing the dishes in the kitchen! Come on out and talk to us.” “You need to see a doctor. I’m serious.” Cat space. Works out just fine. This is where I work. A clutter-free space. I focus better when my place is clean and tidy.  I have a confession to make (well, it’s not much of a secret anymore): I just LOVE straightening up things in the house. I admit that I’m a cleanaholic. Some people call me a clean freak but I don't mind....

NPR 本周英聽廣播又來了,圖書館數位化digitized library的報導,可以學到許多新知識與英文單字。

下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 下載完整檔案看更多!

搶救菜英文8登場。Especially跟Specially意思,Every day 跟Everyday你會分辨差別嗎 ? 下載本周檔案就能學會。

  下載搶救菜英文8問題請點我 下載搶救菜英文8答案請點我 請下載檔案作答

愛的抱抱證實可紓壓,科學人Scientific American透過研究來證實,本周來聽專家的說法。Hugs are good for us.

Awkward sibling hug 是 兄弟尷尬抱抱 。確實很多兄弟不習慣這樣親暱啊,呵呵。 PAT PAT 就是 拍拍 的動作。 下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 記得先把檔案下載完整,再來聽廣播喔。

From NPR 本周聽力又來了。到底有多痛?現在透過腦部掃描,機器可以告訴你。Brain scanning helps doctors treat pain better!

下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 關於疼痛,醫生們多半只能仰賴病人口述狀況,或是以數字大小來具體表達疼痛的程度,但現在透過 腦部掃描brain scanning 或許可以讓醫生們更了解病人的疼痛感受。這篇NPR報導內容較長,大家可以分幾次慢慢聽完,一周一篇英聽練習,絕對能改造你的英文體質,除了聽力進步之外,閱讀跟字彙也能同步精進。 請點上面的連結下載完整檔案

From Scientific American!,小飛象電影正熱,今天來了解大象散熱撇步,順便學學招風耳的英文!

                                                                  下載聲音檔請點我                                   下載填空卷請點我                                   下載解析版請點我 大象體積大,但因為 體積與表面積不成比例 ,所以該如何散熱還真傷腦筋。難怪我小時候看影片,經常看到大象玩水,原來玩水還可以降體溫啊。 另外跟大象有關的記憶是迪士尼的 小飛象Dumbo 。小飛象有著一對大耳朵(這是牠的飛行器),這邊跟大家分享 招風耳 的英文,若說是 Dumbo ears 小飛象耳 ,就非常傳神啦。當然,整型科醫生會稱 招風耳 為 protruding ears ,要將招風耳整成貼耳的手術,英文則是 o toplasty 。 最後,英文 to beat the heat 中文就是 消暑氣 的意思。

Scientific American 本周科學人又來啦,訓練英聽好耳力聽短篇英文廣播:techno fossil科技化石怎麼來的,下載檔案就知道了。

這就是人類製造出來的 科技化石 the so-called techno-fossil. 海灘營火烤肉聽起來好玩又浪漫,但是被營火融化的塑膠可樂瓶, 會產生黏巴巴的液態塑膠,這些玩意兒又跟砂礫與岩石融合在一起, 便成為人類占據地球的永恆印記。 下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 I Just Want to Say One Word to You: Plastiglomerate Thanks to us humans, there's a new type of rock in the geologic record. And it's part plastic. David Biello reports Humanity inscribes itself into the rock record of Earth’s history. People now move more sediment 沉積 / 沉澱物 than all the world’s rivers combined. Fossil fuel burning 燃燒石化燃料 has changed the composition of the atmosphere 大氣的成分 . Everywhere are traces of the sudden appearance of rare radioactive elements 放射線元素 like plutonium 鈽 , a legacy of nuclear weapons. And now there’s even a new type of rock—that people brought into existence. Geologists found the novel 全新的 stone on the beaches of Hawaii. Its constituents include solids of volcanic origin 火山岩 , sand , shells and, yes, plastic . The discoverers dubbed the material pl...

From NPR,不乾不淨真的不容易生病,本周聽英文廣播了解孩童過敏的主要原因。 Children who live on farms do have low rates of allergies.

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美好雙十10.10的優惠活動,有興趣報名的同學動作要快! 超過30門英文課程任你選。

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