New from Scientific American! Urban Food Foraging都會採集野果蔬菜在美國大行其道!省錢又營養。定期收聽英文廣播,鍛鍊英聽實力。
gif - giphy Urban food foraging 在歐美都爆夯。經濟不景氣,很多人腦筋動到城市裡與市郊的果樹與野草上去了。如此一來肚子餓不必 再翻垃圾桶 no more dumpster diving ,滿地的野生香草與野果不但可以填飽肚子,更讓人有種尋寶的樂趣。研究學者表示,這些蔬果的含鉛量都在安全範圍內,所以可以安心食用。也難怪現在糾團採野菜已經形成一股風潮了。 熟聽 NPR或Scientific American 科學人 廣播,不但能讓我們獲得很多實用的單字,還能讓口說聽力都進步,是最好的英文課外補充聽力教材。教練還製作了一份相關的ppt檔案給大家下載,Enjoy! 下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 下載補充資料請點我 Urban Food Foraging Looks Fruitful Fruits growing wild in urban areas were found to be healthful and to contain lower levels of lead 鉛濃度較低 than what's considered safe in drinking water From Scientific American Foraging for food in urban areas is on the rise . 正在攀升 ( 越來越夯 )Not dumpster diving . 翻垃圾桶 Collecting fruits and herbs 香草 . Throughout cities, forgotten fruit trees still produce, well, produce 農產品 . For example, there was a peach tree in my former 之前的 backyard in Somerville, near Boston. And today there are even maps to some of those trees so foragers 採食者 can take advantage of 善將利用 free prod...