
目前顯示的是 1月, 2016的文章

吃素好處多,紅肉最毒不要碰。Vegetarians May Live Longer!

上圖這個食物鏈的圖片,發人深省。 這篇文章是三年前上傳過的,一共累計五百多次點閱,比起CNN的台灣美食十幾萬次的點閱真的是小巫見大巫。但是今天看見兩隻豬跳卡車,弄得滿臉是血,最後還是被抓回去宰掉的新聞、還有前陣子虐貓大學生引發輿論撻伐的事件,決定再將下面這篇文章上傳。 我認為一般人沒有權利去譴責虐貓的人,因為我們對待其他動物如豬牛羊與雞鴨鵝等更為殘忍。難道貓兒的生命就比豬隻還要尊貴嗎?大家仔細想想,其實我們根本不應該虐殺動物,然後食其屍塊。科技進步至此,已經可以讓人類透過素食就能獲得均衡營養,何必繼續殘忍屠殺動物。 文藝復興藝術大師達文西是個素食者(希臘哲人柏拉圖也是),他曾經說過下面這段話,在此也感謝好友Shannon老師在此留言表達支持素食的態度。Shannon也是個素食者,多年來投入保育動物活動不遺於力。對我們而言,即便只是影響一個人,也都是值得的。 "Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds them. We live by the death of others. We are burial places! I have since an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men will look upon the murder of animals as they look upon the murder of man."  Leonardo da Vinci 時代雜誌TIME刊登了一篇文章, 提到了 素食者可能較為長壽 ,文章淺顯流暢,除了學習英文,也能讓我們思考食肉的必要性。 烹煮肉類需要比蔬菜更多的調味料,所以肉食者可能會攝取更多的鈉與油脂,對身體造成更多負擔。在眾多黑心商品中,現在我們所攝取的肉類可能是最毒的了。因為沒有一隻家禽家畜,生前沒有被施過打抗生素、成長激素、瘦肉精與一堆阿里不搭的藥劑。這些動物生前沒有被好好對待,最終也不得好死。大家若是看過雞是怎麼被養大的,一定會流下眼淚。人類用殘酷的方式飼養並宰殺了這些動物,然後將再為了利益替動物施打過多的藥劑。這些有問題肉類最後又回到了我們的五臟廟,讓我們吃出健康的問...

Thank you for making my life worth living! You have touched my heart in a way that can never be erased.

Over the years, I've learned that it's not what I have in my life but who I have in my life that counts. Sometimes I forget to tell people how much I really do appreciate them for being an important part of my life. I really love what I do now, and yes, sometimes I get tired and want to give up. But each time I stand before you, I'm reminded of the fact that it's such a privilege to be your coach. If I could measure the love and support of my students like gold, I'd be the wealthiest person alive!  Thank you Sherry, for writing me such a sincere and heart warming card, and my appreciation goes to so many others who have shown support and love over the years. You have touched my heart in a way that can never be erased and I am forever grateful to you for making my life worth living.  昨天回家在捷運上讀了Sherry寫給我的卡片,中年婦人的眼框就紅了。人老了哭點很低哪,深夜十一點半,夜色昏暗冷風颼颼,但我心中有一股暖流(我確定那不是更年期的熱潮紅)。 我從來沒想過自己有一天會教英文,但人生就是這麼回事,一個電腦白癡要寫去部落格,有點孤僻的性格卻要上台講課搞笑......但生命總是如此,越想得到的越得不到,越想逃開的越是找上我...