恭喜Hannah!托福考取高分,寫作項目勤練真的是高分保證喔!More testimonials from students...
這是Hannah的成績單,一戰成功背後有苦練的心血。 昨天收到Hannah的來信,經過她同意,我將她寫給我的信上傳跟大家分享。Hannah有上我的寫作與聽說課程,教練將學生的實戰成績公布,這麼做的目的是激發大家寫作的動力與決心。這些年來教寫作課程,發現一件事情,那就是 持續不斷交作業並且練習的同學,幾乎都能拿到25分以上 。同學們能拿到寫作項目的高分,歸功於勤練。教練的批改只是一個輔助的動力,所以大家一定要記得多寫作。 2/14出現的托福寫作獨立題考題,也包含在教練出版的寫作書裡面 ,這個題目看似簡單但是不好寫。教練將自己寫的範文提供給大家參考,也恭喜Hannah, 希望她GMAT也能拿到高分,最後申請進理想的學校。 34. What would you do to improve your health? To watch t he kind of food you eat, increase the amount of exercise, or reduce the amount of stress. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 為了讓身體更健康,你會選擇怎麼做?是注意飲食?增加運動?還是試圖減輕壓力?請舉例說明你的選擇。 Outline Introduction Thesis Statement: Exercise is the best choice to improve my health. Body Topic Sentence 1: Food is an important factor in one’s health; however, not much choice. Detail/example: ü busy lifestyle → have little choice ü food choices are quite limited ü exercise → controls weight and combats disease ...