
目前顯示的是 2月, 2015的文章

恭喜Hannah!托福考取高分,寫作項目勤練真的是高分保證喔!More testimonials from students...

這是Hannah的成績單,一戰成功背後有苦練的心血。 昨天收到Hannah的來信,經過她同意,我將她寫給我的信上傳跟大家分享。Hannah有上我的寫作與聽說課程,教練將學生的實戰成績公布,這麼做的目的是激發大家寫作的動力與決心。這些年來教寫作課程,發現一件事情,那就是 持續不斷交作業並且練習的同學,幾乎都能拿到25分以上 。同學們能拿到寫作項目的高分,歸功於勤練。教練的批改只是一個輔助的動力,所以大家一定要記得多寫作。 2/14出現的托福寫作獨立題考題,也包含在教練出版的寫作書裡面 ,這個題目看似簡單但是不好寫。教練將自己寫的範文提供給大家參考,也恭喜Hannah, 希望她GMAT也能拿到高分,最後申請進理想的學校。 34. What would you do to improve your health?  To watch t he kind of food you eat, increase the amount of exercise, or reduce the amount of stress.  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 為了讓身體更健康,你會選擇怎麼做?是注意飲食?增加運動?還是試圖減輕壓力?請舉例說明你的選擇。 Outline Introduction Thesis Statement: Exercise is the best choice to improve my health. Body Topic Sentence 1: Food is an important factor in one’s health; however, not much choice. Detail/example: ü   busy lifestyle → have little choice ü   food choices are quite limited ü   exercise → controls weight and combats disease       ...


                                                           下載情人節英文語錄請點我 一年一度的情人節又來了。每年教練都會上傳一些應景的肉麻英文給需要的人參考。雖說有戀愛過此生不算白活,但也請大家不要為了談戀愛把人生的所有籌碼都輸掉了。爛咖情人不要留在身邊,以免降低自己的格調。這邊跟大家分享幾個跟愛情有關的小小訊息,今年的情人節,請勇敢三振你身邊的爛咖情人,別再將就自己浪費生命了。 愛情魔咒如下:一日念三回,招來好桃花 Say this to yourself: I deserve better.                                  I won't settle, and I'm worth it. 6  Signs he'll never commit: 六個感情警訊 1. You don't know anything real about him. 2. He disappears for days and weeks at a time and then acts like it's no big deal. 3. He tells you marriage is not for him; or worse, he doesn't want a relationship.  4. He doesn't take you on real dates and never buys you a decent gift. (He's stingy when he's around you) 5. He won't introduce you...

Your Weekly English Digest - 本周看時事學英文:破銅爛鐵跟送終都失禮啦!

台北市長柯文哲日前接見英國官員,受禮後的破銅爛鐵說引發各界討論與撻伐聲浪, 英國衛報報導此事卻將重點放在自家官員送禮不當而鬧出笑話。 下載文章請點我 之前我發文批評官員頭銜翻譯錯誤,英國自抬身價將來訪官員的層級提高。接著又批破銅爛鐵說。這次我將 英國衛報 the guardian 報導拿來與各位分享,大家可以透過時事來學英文。很多不錯的字詞如 gaffe, taboo, high-flying, off-the-cuff remarks, political spectrum 與 loose cannon 都可以學起來。 British minister in cultural gaffe after giving Taipei mayor ' taboo ' watch *Cultural gaffe 此指因不懂文化而造成的社交或外交失禮或是醜態 Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je receives a gift of a watch from visiting British transport minister Lady Kramer during a meeting in Taipei. Photograph: Str/AFP/Getty Images A British minister was left red-faced 尷尬或羞愧的 after giving the mayor of Taipei the gift of a watch – a taboo 禁忌 act in Chinese culture – only for him to joke he would “ sell it to a scrap dealer ” 賣破銅爛鐵的人 . Ko Wen-je, a high-flying 有雄心壯志的 surgeon and mayor of Taiwan’s capital 台灣首都市長 , made the remark 評論 after he was handed the pocket timepiece 懷錶 by British transport minister 英國國務大臣 ( 相當於美國的副部長 )Lady Kramer, who ...