
目前顯示的是 5月, 2012的文章

New from NPR!啥是megacity?報給你知

下載聲音檔請點我 地球上的人實在是太多了! 你能想像,再過38年 全球將有七十億人口匯集在都會區生活嗎? 都會設計與城市的永續發展是當下政府的施政重心 交通 垃圾 資源分配與政府效能 更將是決定都會競爭力的幾個重要關鍵 閱讀NPR能夠學到新的字彙 比方說甚麼是pecking order 在地文化 與 國際能見度 這些詞彙的英文又是甚麼 還有最新的 共商城市 指的是甚麼 ? 看完下面這篇NPR 你就都學到了! As More Move To Cities, A New Take On Urban Design by Eleanor Beardsley Copyright © 2012 National Public Radio®. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required. From NPR News, this is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. I'm Melissa Block. ROBERT SIEGEL, HOST: And I'm Robert Siegel. By the year 2050 , some 7 billion 七十億人 people will be living in cities. That will have a profound impact 深遠的影響 on our planet and force the world's urban centers to adapt 逼迫全球的都會中心去因應 ( 大批居民的湧入 ) . This week, big thinkers from the public and private sectors representing 60 countries met in Paris to discuss the city of the future. NPR's Eleanor Beardsley was there. ELEANOR BEA...

New from NPR復仇者聯盟 爆米花的好搭檔!

From NPR 下載聲音檔請點我 NPR這個美國國家廣播電台,有著全美最不毒蛇的影評。復仇者聯盟The Avengers是典型的超級英雄大會串Avengers alliance - super alliance with super heroes,這種電影,英文有個說法,就叫做popcorn flick也就是搭配爆米花最有味的好片。flick就是movie的另外一個說法。喜歡看動作片的粉絲,你可以自稱是個 Action film buff這個字跟fan都可以用。好啦,廢話不多說,快來看看影評人Bob Mondello怎麼看這部片。 'The Avengers': Slick Summer Superheroics by Bob Mondello Copyright ©2012 National Public Radio®. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required. Finally, this hour, the sound of comic book 漫畫 superheroes 超級英雄 smashing box office records 締造影史賣座紀錄 . ROBERT DOWNEY JR.: (as Iron Man/Tony Stark) How about that? CORNISH: It all started last weekend when Marvel's "The Avengers" opened( 上映的說法 ) in 39 countries around the world, and it will likely continue when the film hits( 也是上映的意思 ) U.S. theaters tonight at midnight. Legions of fans 一拖拉庫的粉絲 have already bought advanced tickets. And critic 影評人 B...