NPR 寄生蟲也能治病 The Upside of Parasites
下載聲音檔請點我 (因為寄生蟲的圖片實在都太噁了,所以這一篇NPR不放圖片了) The Upside of Parasites From NPR For years now, there's been evidence that intestinal parasites 腸道寄生蟲 can actually be a good thing for people with inflammatory bowel disease. 發炎性腸道疾病 That's because certain parasitic worms seem to help the intestine heal. Now, scientists think they've found at least one reason why this is so, thanks to a man who spent years treating his own bowel disease with worms. NPR's Jon Hamilton has the story. JON HAMILTON: P'ng Loke studies parasites. Years ago, when he was working at the University of California, San Francisco, he got a call from a stranger. Mr. P'NG LOKE (Research Scientist, Langone Medical Center, New York University): He had moved into the Bay Area and was looking for someone who works on worms , and so he called me and convinced me to have lunch with him. HAMILTON: Over lunch, the man told Loke a remarkable story about how he'd recovered from ulcerative colitis.