下載聲音檔請點我 下載文字檔請點我 From 蘋果日報雙與天下 長春藤美語 Yoga to the Max 舒展身心靈的運動 ── 瑜珈 Most people have heard of yoga. Many have tried it at home or even taken a class at a studio or gym. Yoga started in ancient India and was a part of religious activities. Traditionally, the goal of yoga was to find peace and calm through meditation since yoga was closely connected to Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and philosophy. Today, we call this type bhakti yoga. Another type developed later. Hatha yoga includes keeping the body active during meditation and focuses on breathing techniques during the poses. This clears one's mind of worries, stress, and so on. Both types have been well-known throughout history. 多數人都聽過瑜珈。許多人都曾在家中嘗試做這項運動,甚或到工作室或健身房上瑜珈課。 瑜珈始於古印度,為宗教活動的一部份。傳統上瑜珈因為與印度教、耆那教、佛教與哲學密切相關,所以其目的是透過冥想來尋求內心平靜。如今把我們這類瑜珈稱為奉愛瑜珈。另一類的瑜珈後來才開始發展。哈達瑜珈的內容包括在冥想過程中使身體保持在動的狀態,並在做出瑜珈姿勢時專注於各種呼吸技巧。這種瑜珈可以將心中的煩惱、壓力等一掃而空。這兩種類型的瑜珈從古至今已眾所周知。 生活必備字詞 hear of... 聽說過/知道 …… (多用完成式) Gary has h