懷舊文選集:The stubborn nail that stands firm! 超猛釘子戶,路霸第一名!
The Stubborn Nail that Stands Firm 釘子戶屹立不搖 這篇文章上傳已經五年了。昨天有同學問我 釘子戶的英文 ,我略略記得之前有上傳過類似文章,於是把這文給找出來了。部落格開張六年多以來上傳過八百多篇文章,有些很有趣呢,教練有空來開發一下這些「懷舊文」,裡面的內容並不過時啊。 釘子戶 的英文怎麼說 ? 其實釘子戶是中文的說法。大陸釘子戶多,現在國外在報導釘子戶新聞時,也會幫釘子戶冠上個英文翻譯, Nail house 是最常使用的字眼。 下面這段美聯社的報導,也說明了釘子戶英文譯稱的由來。 “ Chinese news reports and online commentators refer to the home as a dingzihu or nail house , playing on a phrase for troublemakers who stick up like nails and refuse to go along with government policies . 那些不肯聽政府話乖乖搬家的住戶,抗爭成功後,有時候就真的繼續住在原處了。下面的一則新聞,登上澳洲新聞版面時,著實讓老外大吃一驚,同時也大開眼界。 這些照片拍攝的時候,這條公路尚未通車,看起來空蕩蕩的。將來可就不是這個模樣囉。 "Location, location, location. One bedroom, quiet neighbours, close to transport." An elderly Chinese couple who refused to move out of their apartment building to make way for a 讓路給 new development has found themselves surrounded by a huge freeway. Luo Baogen and his wife refused to vacate their home 拒絕搬家 , claiming the compensation offered by the governm