
目前顯示的是 10月, 2017的文章

懷舊文選集:The stubborn nail that stands firm! 超猛釘子戶,路霸第一名!

The Stubborn Nail that Stands Firm  釘子戶屹立不搖 這篇文章上傳已經五年了。昨天有同學問我 釘子戶的英文 ,我略略記得之前有上傳過類似文章,於是把這文給找出來了。部落格開張六年多以來上傳過八百多篇文章,有些很有趣呢,教練有空來開發一下這些「懷舊文」,裡面的內容並不過時啊。 釘子戶 的英文怎麼說 ? 其實釘子戶是中文的說法。大陸釘子戶多,現在國外在報導釘子戶新聞時,也會幫釘子戶冠上個英文翻譯, Nail house 是最常使用的字眼。 下面這段美聯社的報導,也說明了釘子戶英文譯稱的由來。 “ Chinese news reports and online commentators refer to the home as a dingzihu or nail house , playing on a phrase for troublemakers who stick up like nails and refuse to go along with government policies . 那些不肯聽政府話乖乖搬家的住戶,抗爭成功後,有時候就真的繼續住在原處了。下面的一則新聞,登上澳洲新聞版面時,著實讓老外大吃一驚,同時也大開眼界。 這些照片拍攝的時候,這條公路尚未通車,看起來空蕩蕩的。將來可就不是這個模樣囉。 "Location, location, location. One bedroom, quiet neighbours, close to transport." An elderly Chinese couple who refused to move out of their apartment building to make way for a 讓路給 new development has found themselves surrounded by a huge freeway. Luo Baogen and his wife refused to vacate their home 拒絕搬家 , claiming the compensation offered by the governm

輕鬆一下! Just Laugh it Off! (要每一個都笑得出來才算懂喔)

1. What's the best form of birth control after the age of 50? Nudity. 2. What do attorneys use for birth control? Their personalities. 3. What's the difference between a girlfriend and a wife? 45 lbs. 4. What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband? 45 minutes. 5. How many women does it take to change a light bulb? None, they just sit there in the dark and bitch. 6. Why are men and parking spaces alike? Because all the good ones are taken and the only ones left are disabled. 7. Why do men want to marry virgins? Because they can't stand criticism. 8. Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring, and good looking? Because those men already have boyfriends. 9. What's the difference between a new husband and a new dog? After a year, the dog is still excited to see you. 10. What makes men chase women they have no intentio

Tiny Houses Rule! 迷你屋正流行!

空間的充分運用考驗Tiny House 設計師。from Pinterest 教練五年多前搬進了新買的房子,從原本28坪大的租屋空間、一下子住進了一個14坪的大樓(這是指扣掉公設後的可用空間)。台北的房價高,因為買房子沒有任何金援,教練的千萬積蓄投入買房之後竟然還欠銀行貸款,唉,每每想到這裡,就覺得人生好沒意義啊。由大入小難,當初搬家的時候忍痛半送半丟了很多東西,充分發揮「斷、捨、離」精神。 住進了小空間之後,很多生活習慣開始改變。比方說,現在習慣買電子書下載,以免家裡沒地方放書。另外還有逐漸減少瞎買東西的機率,因為收納現在成了重要課題,小空間的好處還有:要找什麼一下子就找到了;電費水費價格也都變少,這些都是意外收穫。也難怪 Tiny houses 近年在美國會這麼夯。有興趣的同學,教練推薦大家看下面這支TED的影片。 點我看下面這支影片喔! Andrew Morrison 提倡的 Tiny house movement ,主張不要花錢買大房子,因為每個人每天待在房子裡的時間其實沒有那麼多。把買大房的錢省下來,可以做更多的事情。(但這種事情在台灣不可能啊, In Taipei, even tiny houses mean big money! 我的美國朋友聽到我用一千多萬去買那麼小的房子,導致最後變成房奴,幾乎都昏倒...... 好在教練自己懂一點空間魔法,我的家雖然很小, 但是看起來還不算擁擠。全部都以白色或是淡灰色為主的設計, 可以放大空間,加上低檯面的落地窗就能夠有寬敞的視覺效果。 (拍照訣竅是坐在地上往上拍照就會顯得天花板比較高) 造型獨特的迷你屋充滿童話fu。台灣的民宿業者不妨考慮跟進。 A tiny house that floats on water!  animation from ArchDaily A cozy interior that maximizes function and style! With thoughtful, innovative designs, some homeowners have discovered a small house actu

無痛英文文法又來啦, lack of / lack / lacking in 搞不懂的人下載這篇就對了!

教練批改作文的時候經常發現同學 lack of / lack  / lacking in 搞不清楚,所以整理了一個表格給大家參考。其實要搞懂並不難,這份資料有例句,可提供同學參考。文法的東西要學會應用,不能只是死背喔。 下載這份講義請點我