
目前顯示的是 1月, 2017的文章

New from NPR! 來看看互動式墓碑,沒有毛骨悚然的靈異體驗,只有溫馨與科技...

                     設計精美造型獨特的墓碑(headstone),在左下角加上了QR Code,馬上摩登起來。 看到沒,智慧手機一掃描,就能馬上連結專有的網址,閱讀往生者生前的故事與相關資訊。                                     A trip to the cemetery will never be the same!                     英文的 everlasting memories 將會成真。因為人人都可因為QR code而不朽。 下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 將滑鼠放在標題上,可出現網址前往NPR官網連結看原文 Technology Brings Digital Memories To Grave Sites From NPR News, this is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. I'm Melissa Block. And its time now for All Tech Considered. We begin today with a visit to a cemetery, a space normally reserved for old marble and perfectly clipped 修剪工整的 grass. But imagine a headstone with a code that lets you pull up 拉出 photos and read stories about the dearly departed 過世的摯愛 . We're going to hear about a company that is adding tha...

Your weekly English digest is here. 本周的英語每周一文,李安寫陳樹菊。質樸的文字裡有著溫暖的人性況味。

這篇文章只有190個字。李安的英文不浮誇,貴在誠懇與真情。嗑一個便當的時間就能讀完,最後一句一定要背起來。 ...of all she has given away, her greatest gift is her example. 下載文章請點我 The 2010 TIME 100 In our annual TIME 100 issue we name the people who most affect our world Chen Shu-chu By Ang LeeThursday, Apr. 29, 2010 Chen Shu-chu is a seller of vegetables in a stall in Taitung County's central market, in eastern Taiwan. Out of her modest living 簡樸節省的生活 , Chen, 59, has managed to donate nearly NT$10 million (that's $320,000) to various causes 目標 ( 此指行善 ) , including $32,000 for a c hildren's fund 兒童基金會 , $144,000 to help build a library at a school she attended and another $32,000 for the local orphanage 當地的孤兒院 , where she also gives financial support to three children. What's so wonderful about Chen's achievement is not its extraordinariness 卓越的 but that it is so simple and matter of fact 理所當然的 in its generosity. " Money serves its purpose 發揮功能 only when it is used for those who ne...

Congrats! 恭喜William羅同學托福考試一次破百,讓我們相互鼓勵並繼續努力!

去年William有寫信跟教練說了出分結果,結果教練回信徵求上傳意願,email卻被埋在廣告信裡面沒被看見,所以一直到這兩天才再度收到William的回信。 第一 次考試成績就能破百確實壓力全消,因為好多同學為了成績能達標得一直重考,過程的艱苦與煩悶教練都明白。羅同學幾天前來信告知已經申請到第二志願去新加坡大學交換學生。教練在此鼓勵大家堅持努力,不要鬆懈。 托福不是考前準備一下就好的考試,臨時抱佛腳絕對沒有幫助 , 必須得天天持續、紮實精讀才行。 歡迎同學來信給教練,分享準備心得(不一定要破百才來信感謝,也不用感謝教練啊,畢竟這是我的工作)。同學Beatrice之前分享的托福寫作項目心得與準備過程已經成了部落格熱門點選了,所以大家互相鼓勵打氣絕對有正面效果。大家別忘了報分數之餘,也分享準備的過程。教練祝大家考試順利,2017年都能進入理想的學校繼續求學之路。